Branding Your Offering

This topic describes how to manage branding themes and set theme attributes so you can create a user interface and experience tailored to your agency.

You can apply the unique branding theme for your organization to your Oracle Permitting and Licensing offering. A branding theme defines the collection of a set of branding attributes.

Oracle provides a default theme for your initial implementation, but you can create your own themes to match your organizations color choices and labeling.

Initially, Oracle applies a default branding theme with a set of default theme attributes and attribute values. If you apply a custom default system branding theme, any theme attribute you include in your default branding theme overrides the Oracle default for that theme attribute.

You cannot modify the delivered branding theme. To make changes, you need to create your own branding theme, and add the attributes you wish to modify.

After creating your branding theme, you then assign your branding theme to your implementation. The attributes you add to your own branding theme override the equivalent attributes in the default branding theme once you assign your own theme.

Branding Redwood Applications

As Oracle Permitting and Licensing begins to release updated applications as part of the Redwood experience, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind when applying branding themes and attributes to the new UI elements. Currently, only a limited number of attributes are supported for the Redwood elements, built using Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS).

The following table shows the attributes supported for the themes you apply to the currently available Redwood applications, per release.


Theme Attributes



  • Logo

  • Header background color

  • Account Management

  • Code Enforcement UI

  • Inspections UI


  • Logo

  • Header background color

  • Header background image

  • Application label

  • Set application label link

  • Show application label in header

  • Footer background color

  • Footer background image

  • Footer text color

  • Account Management

  • Code Enforcement UI

  • Inspections UI

Note: You add the Logo image using the Oracle Fusion Appearance UI tool the same as previous releases.

For example, if you wanted to apply a new header background color to the Redwood Account Management interface, create a theme selecting the Header background color attribute, assign it a color value, and then use the Assign Themes page to select Account Management as the Application and your theme as the Default Theme.

Note: Currently, the Redwood applications don't display icons on the right side of the header.