Managing Attachments

You can manage attachments specific to deposit accounts, like change of ownership requests, enabling you to have more complete information about a deposit account in one place. The Attachments tab is on the Deposit Account page.

Agency staff can:

  • View the list of attachments associated with the deposit account.
  • Upload, download, and delete attachments.
  • Grant authorized users access to upload and/or download attachments.

Deposit account owners can:

  • View the list of attachments associated with the deposit account.
  • Upload and download attachments.
  • Grant authorized users access to upload and/or download attachments.

Deposit account authorized users can:

  • View the list of attachments associated with the deposit account.
  • If granted access, upload and/or download attachments.

Adding Attachments

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. On the Deposit Accounts page, click Attachments in the left hand navigation.

  3. Click Add and choose the file you want to upload.

  4. Optionally enter a Description and Category or Subcategory.

  5. Click Upload.

The category and subcategory fields are tied to document groups. Agency staff can link document groups on the Deposit Account Options page. For more information, see Setting Up Document Groups.

Viewing Details

  1. Select an attachment and click View Details in the Actions menu.

  2. The Attachment Details modal page displays who uploaded the document and who last updated it.

Downloading Attachments

  1. Select an attachment and click Download in the Actions menu.

  2. You can choose where to save the file.

Deleting Attachments

  1. Select an attachment and click Delete in the Actions menu.

  2. Click Cancel or Ok to delete the file.