Setting Up Fee Items

The fee items table lists the fees that will be assessed by your agency. You set up fee items for your agency on the Fee Items page.

The fee items table is used to validate the fees created in the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) decision model. You define the fee items before setting up decision models and fee schedules.

For information about setting up decision models and fee schedules, see Creating Decision Models for Fees and Setting Up Fee Schedules.

Adding Fee Items

  1. Select the Setup and Maintenance tile on the Agency Springboard to access Functional Setup Manager.

  2. From the Setup drop-down list, select your offering.

  3. From the Functional Areas list in the left panel, select Fee and Payments.

  4. The right panel shows the required tasks for the selected functional area. Select Manage Fee Items from the tasks list.

  5. On the Fee Items page, click Add to add a fee item.

  6. On the New fee item drawer, enter a name for the fee item.

  7. In the Description field, enter a description.

  8. In the Department field, you can select a department to associate with the fee.

  9. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The switch is turned on by default for a new fee item.

  10. Click Save.

Modifying Fee Items

  1. Navigate to the Fee Item page and select the row for the fee item that you want to modify.

  2. On the Fee item details drawer, you can:

  3. On the Fee Item Details page you can:

    • Modify the fee item description. You cannot change the name.

    • Change the department associated with the fee item.

    • Enable or disable the fee item.

  4. If you made any changes, click Save.

Deleting Fee Items

  1. Navigate to the Fee Item page and select the row for the fee item that you want to modify.

  2. On the Fee item details drawer, click Delete.