Managing Account Conditions

Conditions can be applied to a public user’s account to limit the user’s ability to submit applications or perform other activities. When the condition is marked as resolved, the restrictions are removed.

Agencies define the conditions that their staff can apply to accounts. A condition’s rules control which activities are limited by the condition. The conditions relate to objects such as addresses, parcels, transactions, business license credentials, and contractor licenses, in addition to accounts. For more information, see Setting Up Conditions and Setting Up Credential Conditions.

A condition’s severity determines how the condition affects activities. This table describes each severity level.





Lock condition badge

The user is prevented from completing any of the activities that are affected by the condition on the person associated with the account.


Hold condition badge

The agency user who applies the condition chooses which activities to prevent. You'll see warning messages only for the selected rules.


Notice condition badge

The user receives warning messages when attempting any of the activities that are affected by account or profile conditions.

Viewing Conditions and Condition Indicators

Here's how to view active conditions for a public user account:

  1. Go to the Manage Account page for the public user.

    • Registered users sign in and click the account avatar with their initials in the global header on the registered user's landing page. They select the Manage Account menu item.

    • Agency staff access the Manage Account page by selecting a registered user on the Public User Access page. The Public User Access page displays summary information about public user accounts. If an account has active conditions, the badge for the most severe condition appears before the user’s name. Search for the desired user account and click the row to view account details.

  2. On the Manage Account page, go to the Conditions section.

    For each applied condition, review the severity badge, name and description of the condition, priority, and when the condition was applied.

  3. As agency staff, you can click the Conditions pencil icon button to open the account's Conditions page, where you can manage and apply conditions.

  4. On the account's Conditions page, agency staff can find, resolve, and apply conditions.

    In addition to searching for conditions, you can use these options to find conditions:

    Page Element


    Sort By

    Select a sort option:

    • Applied Date

    • Condition Name

    • Display Message

    • Priority

    • Severity

    • Status

    Condition filters

    Click the buttons to filter the list:

    • Active - View only active conditions.

    • Resolved - View only resolved conditions.

    • All - View all conditions, including both active and resolved.

    You can also click the Export button to download a file with the conditions.

  5. For each condition in the list, review the severity badge, name and description of the condition, priority, and when the condition was applied.

  6. Click the Resolve button to add a resolution action and close the condition.

  7. Click the condition row to open the Condition details drawer, where you can review the applied condition rules and manage some condition details like the description and additional information.

The next instructions provide steps for adding conditions, resolving conditions, and reviewing.

Adding Conditions

Here's how agency staff can add account conditions:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. On the Manage Account page, go to the Conditions section.

  3. As agency staff, you can click the Conditions pencil icon button to open the account's Conditions page, where you can apply conditions.

  4. Click the Add (+) button.

  5. On the Apply new condition drawer, you can review and provide condition information:

    Page Element


    Condition Name

    Select one of the conditions that the agency has defined.

    After you select a condition, the condition information is brought in as it was defined by your agency.

    Display Message

    Displays an informational message that also appears in the list of conditions for an account.


    Displays the severity of the selected condition:

    • Lock: Suspends all operations and selects all condition rules for the condition.

    • Hold: Enables agency staff to select the rules that apply to the condition.

    • Notice: Functions as an alert and has no effect on operations.

    Condition Rules

    Displays check boxes for indicating which actions are blocked or prevented. when the condition is applied. If a check box is not selected, the action is permitted.

    The check boxes are selected and read-only if the severity is Lock. They are hidden if the severity is Notice.

    If the condition severity is Hold, the selected check boxes are copied from the condition definition and you can deselect or select the rules.

    The check boxes for these condition rules are visible only if the Apply Conditions to Transactions switch is turned on, except for Prevent Application Progress which is always visible.

    You must select at least condition rule:

    • Prevent Application Progress

    • Prevent Workflow Advancement

    • Prevent Issue or Final

    • Prevent Payment

    • Prevent Inspection Schedule

    • Prevent Inspection Result

    • Prevent Final Inspection

    The condition rules for inspections are only applicable to permits and business licenses with inspections.


    Select High, Medium, or Low. The priority is informational only.


    The default description comes from the agency's condition definition, but you can change this description as needed.

    Additional Information

    Enter any additional information or notes regarding the condition that you’re applying.

  6. Use these fields to indicate whether the condition applies to transactions associated with the account.

    Page Element


    Apply Condition to Transactions

    Applies the condition to new transactions that will be associated with the account. You turn off the switch if you want the condition to be applied only to the account you're working with.

    When you turn on this switch, the complete set of condition rule check boxes becomes visible in the Condition Rules section of the page. If the severity is Hold, you can accept the default selections or select which condition rules to apply.

    If this switch is off, the only relevant condition rule (and the only visible condition rule check box) is Prevent Application Progress.

    The default setting for this switch comes from the condition definition, but you can change the setting.

    Include in-process transactions

    Available only if the Apply Condition to Transactions switch is turned on. Turn on this switch to apply the condition to all active applications for this account.

    View Impacted Transactions

    Click this button to view a list of the in-process applications that will be affected by the condition if you turn on the Include in-process transactions switch.

  7. Click Apply.

Resolving Conditions

Here's how to resolve an account condition:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. On the Manage Account page, go to the Conditions section.

  3. As agency staff, you can click the Conditions pencil icon button to open the account's Conditions page, where you can resolve conditions.

  4. Click the Resolve button for the condition that you want to resolve.

  5. On the Resolve condition drawer, provide this information:

    description of how the condition was resolved in the Resolution Action field. The Resolve conditions applied to transactions switch is turned on by default, which resolves the condition that was initially applied automatically to the transactions when this condition was created.

    Page Element


    Resolution Action

    Enter a description of how the condition was resolved.

    Resolve conditions applied to transactions

    Turn on this switch to resolve the condition that was applied automatically to the transactions when the account condition was created.

    You turn off the switch if you want to resolve this condition alone, without affecting the transactions associated with the account.

    View Impacted Transactions

    Click this button to view a list of the applications that will be affected by resolving the condition.

  6. Click Resolve to apply the resolution and close the drawer.

The status of the condition is updated to Resolved with a resolved date.