Navigating to Planning Application Details

You find detail pages in a collection that consolidates all aspects of a planning application, including contacts, communication, property information, fees and payments, workflow, and more.

The planning application detail pages include the functionality you need to manage a planning application throughout its lifecycle.

This example illustrates the navigation panel with links for accessing planning application detail pages. The links are described in the following table.

Navigation to Planning Application Details

To access the planning application detail pages:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a planning application.

  3. Navigate to planning application information using the links in the left panel.

The information for a planning application comprises these pages:

Page Name



View the information highlights regarding the selected planning application with links to more detail.

See Viewing the Planning Application Detail Overview.

Property Information

View parcel data from the planning application and a map of the parcel location.

See Working with Property Information.


View the workflow status of each task as defined by the agency using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC).

See Using Workflow and Managing Tasks.

Pre-application Outcome

Displayed for preapplications only. Review the list of the required planning applications and comments entered by the assigned agency planner. On this page, the applicant creates links to existing applications based on the list in the required application summary.

See Working with Pre-application Outcome.

Application Details

Review information captured during the application intake that is specific to the planning application type. For example, for site and zoning, whether a planning case is required and the case type, land zoning and use information, acreage, flood information, parking

See Viewing Application Information.


Review information about meetings and scheduling meetings.

See Working with Meetings.


Identify the contractors who are performing the work identified in the permit or planning application, and indicate whether the applicant is an authorized agent of the contractor (for example, an employee of the contractor).

See Working with Contractors and Agents in Applications.


Review information about public hearings, such as schedule and decisions.

See Working with Public Hearings.


Review and add contacts for the planning application.

See Working with Application Contacts.


Review conditions placed on the planning application or person that must be resolved to complete the planning application process.

See Applying Conditions to Applications.


View a list of files and upload or download documents on this page. You can also view a list and upload required documents on this page.

See Working with Attachments.


Review or add comments pertaining to this planning application.

See Working with Comments.

Fees and Payments

Review fees assessed and payments due. You can also add additional fee items and pay fee items from this page.

See Working with Fees and Payments.


View the summary of projects associated with a planning application. The planning application can be assigned to multiple projects.

See Viewing Project Summaries.


View a list of communications associated with this planning application and send ad hoc email messages and notifications.

See Working with Ad Hoc Communications and Working with Communications.

Status History

View the history of application status changes. Whenever the status changes for a transaction, the change is recorded and viewable in the details for the application. The status history is display-only.

See Viewing Application Status History.