Inspection Group Lines REST Endpoints

Inspections/Inspection Group Lines
The inspection group lines resource is used to view, create, delete, or modify an inspection group line. An inspection group line identifies the individual inspection types associated with a permit.
Create an inspection group line
Method: post
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Delete an inspection group line
Method: delete
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{publicSectorInspectionGroupLinesUniqID}
Get all inspection group lines
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Get an inspection group line
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{publicSectorInspectionGroupLinesUniqID}
Update an inspection group line
Method: patch
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{publicSectorInspectionGroupLinesUniqID}