Get all records with parcel address and business location details




Query Parameters
  • When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
  • This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2
  • Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format: ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables:

    • ActiveBusLicSearchFinder: Finds the active business license application by the specified keyword, for public users.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find an active business license application by record ID, record type, status, person name, user who created the record, creation date, expiration date, fees due, total fees, the primary or secondary parcel address, or city.
    • ActiveMasterBLListFinder: Find the active business license and contact access, for logged in users.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find an active master business license application by record ID, record type, status, person name, user who created the record, creation date, expiration date, fees due, total fees, the primary or secondary parcel address, or city.
    • ActiveMasterBLListForShowAllFinder: Finds the active and closed business license and contact access, for logged in users.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find an active master business license application by record ID, record type, status, person name, user who created the record, creation date, expiration date, fees due, total fees, the primary or secondary parcel address, or city.
    • PrimaryKey: Finds the record that matches the primary key criteria.
      Finder Variables:
      • LnpRecordKey; integer; The unique identifier for a record. The record can be for a permit, business license, professional license, or planning and zoning, which is determined by the classification.
    • PublicSearchFinder: Finds a record that matches the specified keyword, by public users.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find a record by record ID, record type, record status, creation date, expiration date, fees due, total fees, primary or secondary parcel address, or city.
    • PublicUserActiveSearchFinder: Finds the active records that match the specified keyword, by public users.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find an active permit application by record ID, record type, status, person name, user who created the record, creation date, expiration date, fees due, total fees, the primary or secondary parcel address, or city.
    • RecordListSearchFinder: Finds a record that matches the specified keyword.
      Finder Variables:
      • value; string; The keyword used to find a record by record ID, record type, status, description, person name, user who created the record, or up to four parcel addresses.
  • This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
  • This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>

  • Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
  • The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
  • This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
  • This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

    Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

    You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:
    • AboutToExpireDate; string; The date that is calculated based on the number of days remaining for the record to expire.
    • ActivityExpirationDate; string; The date when the business license application expires.
    • Applicant; integer; The party ID of the person applying for a permit, business license, professional license, or planning and zoning conditional use permit.
    • BlBusDbaBusinessName; string; The doing business as name for the business from business location.
    • BusAddress1; string; The address line 1 of the business' address.
    • BusAddress2; string; The address line 2 of the business??? address.
    • BusAddress3; string; The address line 3 of the business??? address.
    • BusAddress4; string; The address line 4 of the business??? address.
    • BusAddressId; integer; The reference key to the TCA location table.
    • BusBusinessLegalName; string; The legal name of the business entity.
    • BusBusinessName; string; The name of the applicant's business. For example, a contractor enters his or her contracting business name.
    • BusCity; string; The city portion of the business??? address.
    • BusCountry; string; The country to which the business belongs.
    • BusCounty; string; The county portion of the business??? address.
    • BusDbaBusinessName; string; The Doing Business As name for the business.
    • BusDescription; string; The description of the business.
    • BusEnabledFlag; string; Indicates if the business entity is enabled.
    • BusExemptFlag; string; The ownership type of the business. Examples are corporation, sole proprietorship, and partnership.
    • BusExemptType; string; The tax exemption type for the business.
    • BusOwnershipType; string; Indicates if the business is tax exempt.
    • BusPostalCode; string; The postal code portion of the business??? address.
    • BusPostalPlus4Code; string; The postal4 code portion of the business??? address.
    • BusProvince; string; The province portion of the business??? address.
    • BusStartDate; string; A field in the business information component of the form designer used to enter the date when the business was established.
    • BusState; string; The state portion of the business??? address.
    • BusStatus; string; The current status of the business entity.
    • BusinessEntityId; string; A meaningful identifier for the business entity.
    • BusinessEntityKey; integer; The unique identifier for the business entity.
    • Classification; string; The record classification. The classifications can be permit, business license, professional license, or planning and zoning.
    • CreationDate; string; The date when the record was created.
    • CurrencyCode; string; The currency code used for applying payments.
    • CurrentLicenseStatus; string; The license status of an issued business license.
    • CurrentTransFlag; string; Indicates that the selected row is the current transaction.
    • Description; string; The record description.
    • EmailAddress1; string; The applicant email address.
    • ExpirationDate; string; The date when the record expires.
    • InsCommenceAteDate; string; Indicates the date that the inspection commencement will be about to expire.
    • InsCommenceExpDate; string; Indicates the date on which the inspection commencement will expire.
    • InsCommencementDateOption; string; Indicates the inspection commencement date options.
    • InsScheduledDate; string; Indicates inspection scheduled date.
    • IssueDate; string; The date when the application was issued.
    • LastUpdateDate; string; The date when the record was last updated.
    • LayoutVersion; string; The layout version.
    • LicenseAboutToExpireDate; string; The date when an issued business license is about to expire.
    • LicenseExpirationDate; string; The date when an issued business license expires.
    • LicenseFinancialStatus; string; The overall financial status for the business.
    • LicensePeriod; string; The period that applies to the transaction.
    • LicenseStatus; string; The overall status for the business.
    • LnpRecordId; string; The unique identifier for an application record. This identifier is automatically generated based on the rules configured for the record type.
    • LnpRecordKey; integer; The unique identifier for a record. The record is for a permit, business license, professional license, or planning and zoning, and is determined by the classification.
    • OriginalIssueDate; string; The date the business license was originally issued.
    • ParcelAddressAddress1; string; Indicates the first address line in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressAddress2; string; Indicates the second address line in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressCity; string; Indicates the city in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressLatitude; number; The latitude in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressLongitude; number; The longitude in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressPostalCode; string; Indicates the postal code in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressState; string; Indicates the state in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressStreetNameConcat; string; Indicates the concatenated value of the street name corresponding to the address of the application's primary parcel. The concatenated value of the street name is obtained by concatenating direction prefix, street name, street suffix and direction suffix.
    • ParcelAddressStreetNumber; string; Indicates the street number in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressStreetNumberAlpha; string; Indicates the alphabetic portion of the street number in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • ParcelAddressStreetNumberNumeric; integer; Indicates the numerical portion of the street number in the address of the application's primary parcel.
    • PaymentInProcess; number; The total fees where the payment is in process.
    • PersonName; string; The name of the person who completed the application process.
    • PhoneNumber; string; The applicant telephone number.
    • PrimaryContact; string; The primary contact of this record.
    • PrimaryFlag; string; Indicates whether the record is primary.
    • PrimaryMeaning; string; Calculated field to show primary meaning from the fnd lookup table.
    • PrimaryRecordId; string; Used to store the parent record ID for a sub-record.
    • PrimaryRecordKey; integer; Used to store the primary record key for a sub-record.
    • ProjectKey; integer; The project to which this record belongs.
    • ReceivedDate; string; The date on which the transaction was received.
    • RecordType; string; The user-friendly name for the record type.
    • RecordTypeCode; string; The unique alphanumeric code or short name for the record type.
    • RecordTypeId; string; The unique identifier for a record type.
    • Status; string; The identifier of the record status.
    • SubClassDesc; string; The description for Subclassification.
    • SubapplicationFlag; string; Indicates whether the record is a sub application.
    • SubapplicationMeaning; string; Calculated field to show primary meaning from the fnd lookup table.
    • Subclassification; string; The subclassification for the transaction type, which indicates that the pre-application process is included in addition to the hearing process.
    • SubmitDate; string; The date when the record was submitted.
    • SystemStatus; string; The predefined system status to which the record status maps.
    • Total; number; The total amount of fees for this record.
    • TotalDue; number; The amount of fees that are currently due for this record.
    • VersionType; string; The version of the permit. Values are original, amendment, and renewal.
    • VersionTypeDesc; string; Indicates the description for the version type.
  • The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : publicSectorApplicationLists
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
The items in the collection.
Show Source
Nested Schema : publicSectorApplicationLists-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Business Locations
Type: array
Title: Business Locations
The business location resource is used to view the business locations that are associated with the business license application.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Parcel Addresses
Type: array
Title: Parcel Addresses
The parcel address resource is used to view the parcel addresses.
Show Source
Nested Schema : publicSectorApplicationLists-BusinessLocation-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : publicSectorApplicationLists-ParcelAddress-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Address Line 1
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first or main address.
  • Title: Address Line 2
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second address, if present.
  • Title: Address Line 3
    Maximum Length: 240
    The third address, if present.
  • Title: Address Line 4
    Maximum Length: 240
    The fourth address, if present.
  • Title: Address
    The identifier of the parcel address.
  • Title: Address Key
    The unique identifier of the parcel address.
  • Title: Address Type
    Maximum Length: 20
    The address type used for delivery point validation (DPV). For example, main address, side address, or virtual address.
  • Title: Agency ID
    Default Value: 1
    The identifier of the agency.
  • Title: Building
    Maximum Length: 20
    The type of building used in an address search. For example, Tower A or Block 3.
  • Title: Cell Phone Country
    Maximum Length: 10
    The country code for the cell phone number of parcel contact.
  • Title: Cell Phone
    Maximum Length: 40
    The cell phone number of the parcel address contact.
  • Title: City
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city in the parcel address.
  • Title: Coordinate X
    The x-axis coordinate of the record parcel address.
  • Title: Coordinate Y
    The y-axis coordinate of the record parcel address.
  • Title: Country
    Maximum Length: 60
    The country in the parcel address.
  • Title: County
    Maximum Length: 60
    The country in the parcel address.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the parcel address was created.
  • Maximum Length: 240
    The first cross road of the intersection.
  • Maximum Length: 240
    The second cross road of the intersection.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 50
    The email address of the parcel address contact.
  • Title: Fax Country
    Maximum Length: 10
    The country code for the fax number of the parcel contact.
  • Title: Fax
    Maximum Length: 40
    The fax number of the parcel address contact.
  • Title: Floor
    Maximum Length: 20
    The floor or level in an address search. For example, mezzanine level, penthouse, or garage level C.
  • Title: Home Phone Country
    Maximum Length: 10
    The country code for the home telephone number of the parcel address contact.
  • Title: Home Phone
    Maximum Length: 40
    The home telephone number of the parcel address contact.
  • Title: Source
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates how the data was entered or loaded into the application. The values are S for system data and U for user-entered data.
  • Maximum Length: 200
    The landmark associated with the address.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the parcel address was last updated.
  • Title: Latitude
    The latitude of the parcel address. A geographic location typically identifies a specific entrance area within a large parcel, for example, a security checkpoint gate, delivery entrance, or employee entrance.
  • Links
  • Title: Record ID
    Maximum Length: 50
    A logical identifier for the application record.
  • Title: Record
    The unique identifier of the record associated with the parcel address.
  • Title: Longitude
    The longitude of the parcel address. A geographic location typically identifies a specific entrance area within a large parcel, for example, a security checkpoint gate, delivery entrance, or employee entrance.
  • Title: Municipality
    Maximum Length: 20
    The municipality identifier if the parcel is not managed at the county level.
  • Title: Parcel
    The identifier of the record parcel.
  • Title: Parcel Key
    The unique identifier of the parcel associated with a parcel address.
  • Title: Postal Code
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code in the parcel address.
  • Title: Postal Plus 4 Code
    Maximum Length: 20
    An extended postal code in the parcel address.
  • Title: Primary
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates the primary parcel address. If the value is Y, then the parcel address is the primary parcel address. The default value is N.
  • Title: Primary Transaction Address
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates the primary address for the transaction. If the value is 'Y' then the address is the primary transaction address. The default value is N.
  • Title: Province
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province in the parcel address.
  • Title: SRID
    The SRID of the parcel address. This attribute indicates the Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID), which is a unique value that identifies projected, unprojected, and local spatial coordinate system definitions. Used in all GIS systems.
  • Title: State
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state in the parcel address.
  • Title: Direction
    Maximum Length: 10
    The street direction in an address search. Values are compass directions, such as N, S, E, W, NW, SE, and so on. For example, they can be used to find all parcels with an address that is north of the city center.
  • Title: Street
    Maximum Length: 240
    The street name in the parcel address used during a search.
  • Maximum Length: 350
    The concatenated value of the street name corresponding to the parcel address. The concatenated value of the street name is obtained by concatenating direction prefix, street name, street suffix and direction suffix.
  • Title: Street Number
    Maximum Length: 20
    The street number in the parcel address.
  • Maximum Length: 20
    The street suffix that further describes that street like Drive, Avenue, and others.
  • Title: Street Type
    Maximum Length: 20
    The street type designation used during a search. For example, alley, boulevard, avenue, lane, street, loop, and so on.
  • Title: Unit
    Maximum Length: 30
    The exact unit in a building used in an address search. For example, Apartment 208A or Suite 300.
  • Title: Work Phone Country
    Maximum Length: 10
    The country code for the work telephone number of the parcel contact.
  • Title: Work Phone
    Maximum Length: 40
    The work telephone number of the parcel address contact.
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