Create a set of agency code enforcement options




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • The unique identifier for an agency.
  • Title: Contact Information Required for Issue Reporting
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether anonymous users are allowed to submit incidents.
  • Title: Autoassignment
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the agency has enabled automatic scheduling and assignment of incident inspections.
  • Title: Citation Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for citations.
  • Title: Fee Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for the fee reference identifier.
  • Title: Inspection Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for inspections.
  • Title: Notice Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for notices.
  • Title: Automatically Route Issues
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether new code enforcement incidents should be automatically assigned to code enforcement technicians.
  • Title: Content URL
    Maximum Length: 250
    The URL for a page with additional code enforcement information for public users. This URL appears on the code enforcement landing page for public users.
  • Title: Landing Page Message
    The long description of the code enforcement offering. This description appears as a message on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Maximum Inspections per Day per Code Officer
    The maximum number of inspections per day for code officers. The autoassignment process will not assign inspections to officers who are at the maximum, but users can manually exceed this maximum.
  • Title: Period
    The numerical portion of the time period that is used for showing the most recent issues or cases on a map. For example, if the time period is 2 months, this attribute is the number 2.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The type of time period that is used for showing the most recent issues on a map. For example, if the time period is 2 months, this attribute is Months. Valid values are Days, Weeks, or Months.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 15
    Indicates which issues appear on the map of recent issues. If the value is All, then issues appear on the map regardless of their status. If the value is Active, then only active issues appear on the map.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    The unique identifier for the code enforcement offering.
  • Title: Agency Work Schedule
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique identifier for the agency's work schedule.
  • Title: Message Summary
    Maximum Length: 300
    The short description of the code enforcement offering. This description appears on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Message Title
    Maximum Length: 100
    The label for the code enforcement offering. This appears as the header text on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Enable Workflow
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether the agency has enabled the workflow.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : publicSectorCodeEnforcementAgencyOptions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • The unique identifier for an agency.
  • Title: Contact Information Required for Issue Reporting
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether anonymous users are allowed to submit incidents.
  • Title: Autoassignment
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether the agency has enabled automatic scheduling and assignment of incident inspections.
  • Title: Citation Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for citations.
  • Title: Fee Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for the fee reference identifier.
  • Title: Inspection Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for inspections.
  • Title: Notice Autonumber Rule
    Maximum Length: 20
    The autonumber rule for notices.
  • Title: Automatically Route Issues
    Maximum Length: 1
    Indicates whether new code enforcement incidents should be automatically assigned to code enforcement technicians.
  • Title: Content URL
    Maximum Length: 250
    The URL for a page with additional code enforcement information for public users. This URL appears on the code enforcement landing page for public users.
  • Links
  • Title: Landing Page Message
    The long description of the code enforcement offering. This description appears as a message on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Maximum Inspections per Day per Code Officer
    The maximum number of inspections per day for code officers. The autoassignment process will not assign inspections to officers who are at the maximum, but users can manually exceed this maximum.
  • Title: Period
    The numerical portion of the time period that is used for showing the most recent issues or cases on a map. For example, if the time period is 2 months, this attribute is the number 2.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    The type of time period that is used for showing the most recent issues on a map. For example, if the time period is 2 months, this attribute is Months. Valid values are Days, Weeks, or Months.
  • Title: Status
    Maximum Length: 15
    Indicates which issues appear on the map of recent issues. If the value is All, then issues appear on the map regardless of their status. If the value is Active, then only active issues appear on the map.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    The unique identifier for the code enforcement offering.
  • Title: Agency Work Schedule
    Maximum Length: 30
    The unique identifier for the agency's work schedule.
  • Title: Message Summary
    Maximum Length: 300
    The short description of the code enforcement offering. This description appears on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Message Title
    Maximum Length: 100
    The label for the code enforcement offering. This appears as the header text on the code enforcement landing page.
  • Title: Enable Workflow
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: N
    Indicates whether the agency has enabled the workflow.
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