Create a set of application payment details records




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : publicSectorPaymentsByTransactions-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: About to Expire Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the notification about an expiring license or permit is sent.
  • Title: Applicant Address Line 1
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The first line of the applicant address.
  • Title: Applicant Address Line 2
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The second line of the applicant address.
  • Title: Agency ID
    Read Only: true
    The identifier for a public sector agency. This is usually an alphanumeric identifier for a city, county, or state, but it can also be the name of a city, county, or state.
  • Title: Acceptance Date
    Read Only: true
    Identifies the accepted date for the application.
  • Read Only: true
    The party ID of the applicant.
  • Title: Applicant Phone Number
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 40
    The phone number of the applicant.
  • Title: Applicant User ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The user ID of the applicant.
  • Title: Assigned Specialist Email
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The email address of the specialist who is assigned to the application.
  • Title: Assigned Specialist Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The user name of the specialist who is assigned to the application.
  • Title: Assigned Specialist User ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user id of the specialist who is assigned to the application.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The category of the application type.
  • Title: Fees Balance Due
    Read Only: true
    The balance amount due for the application.
  • Title: Business Address 1
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The address portion of the business??? address, indicated first line of address.
  • Title: Business Address 2
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The address portion of the business??? address, indicated first line of address.
  • Title: Business Legal Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The legal name of the business entity.
  • Title: Business
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 100
    The name of the applicant's business. For example, a contractor enters his or her contracting business name.
  • Title: Business City
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: Business Country
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 3
    The country portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: Business County
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: Doing Business As
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 100
    The doing business as name for the business.
  • Title: Location Business Description
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 200
    A field in the business information component of the form designer used to enter a description of the business.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    Meaningful identifier for the business entity.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier for the business entity.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    Meaningful identifier for the business location.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier for the business location.
  • Title: Business Postal Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: Business Province
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: Business State
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state portion of the business??? address.
  • Title: License Status
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 10
    The current status of the business entity.
  • Title: Applicant City
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city in the applicant address.
  • Title: Classification
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 3
    The application record classification. The classifications can be permit, business license, professional license, or planning and zoning.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The meaning of the application record classification.
  • Title: Applicant Country
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 3
    The country in the applicant address.
  • Title: Applicant County
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county in the applicant address.
  • Title: Created by User ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    Identifies the user ID of the person who created the application.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    Identifies the date on which the application was created.
  • Title: Description
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The description for the application.
  • Title: Applicant Email 1
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 320
    The first email address of the applicant.
  • Title: Applicant Email 2
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 320
    The second email address of the applicant.
  • Title: Expiration Date
    Read Only: true
    The date the license or permit is no longer valid.
  • Title: Grace Period Date
    Read Only: true
    Identifies the expiration grace date for the application.
  • Title: Expiration Status
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    Identifies the expiration status of the application.
  • Title: Fees Due Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The identifier that captures the date when the fee item with due status is added or updated.
  • Title: Issue Date
    Read Only: true
    The date the application was issued. Used in the application information component of the Permit Designer.
  • Title: License Period
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 100
    The duration in which the business license is valid.
  • Links
  • Title: Application ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The identifier for the application record.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier for the application record.
  • Title: Location Address Line 1
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    Address Line 1 as part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Location Address Line 2
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    Address Line 2 as part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Location City
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The city that is part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Location Country
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 3
    The country that is part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Location County
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The county in which the parcel address is located.
  • Title: Location Postal Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code that is part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Location Province
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The location information about the province in which the parcel address is located.
  • Title: Location State
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state that is part of the parcel address.
  • Title: Applicant Business Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 360
    The business organization name of the applicant.
  • Title: Originator
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 3
    Identifies the originator of the application.
  • Title: Payment Date
    Read Only: true
    Indicates the date for the fee payment.
  • Title: Payment Method
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the payment method code for the fee payment.
  • Title: Payment Reference
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The reference ID of the payment details for the application.
  • Title: Applicant First Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 150
    The applicant first name.
  • Title: Applicant Last Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 150
    The applicant last name.
  • Title: Applicant Middle Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The applicant middle name.
  • Title: Applicant Full Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 450
    The full name of the applicant.
  • Title: Applicant Title
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The title of the contact.
  • Title: Applicant Postal Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The postal code in the applicant address.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    The application's relationship type as primary application.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The record id of the primary application.
  • Read Only: true
    The record key of the primary application.
  • Title: Applicant Province
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The province in the applicant address.
  • Title: Received Date
    Read Only: true
    Identifies the received date for the application.
  • Title: Application Type
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 20
    The unique alphanumeric code or short name for the record type.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    The identifier for a record type.
  • Title: Renewal Date
    Read Only: true
    The renewal date for the license or permit.
  • Title: Applicant State
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 60
    The state in the applicant address.
  • Title: Application Status
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    The status of the application.
  • Title: Application Status Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    The status code of the application.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    The application's relationship type as subapplication.
  • Title: Subclassification
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 10
    The subclassification code of the application type.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 50
    The subclassification meaning of the application type.
  • Title: Submission Date
    Read Only: true
    The date the application transaction was submitted.
  • Title: Submitted by User ID
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    Identifies the user ID of the person who submitted the application.
  • Title: Application System Status
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    Identifies the system status of the application.
  • Title: Application System Status Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 15
    Identifies the system status code of the application.
  • Read Only: true
    The total fees due for the application.
  • Title: Fees Total Amount
    Read Only: true
    The total fees for the application.
  • Title: Fees on Hold
    Read Only: true
    The total amount on hold status for the application.
  • Title: Fees Outstanding Balance
    Read Only: true
    Identifies the total outstanding fee amount.
  • Title: Fees Total Paid
    Read Only: true
    The total fees paid for the application.
  • Title: Fees Total Payable
    Read Only: true
    The total payable amount for the application.
  • Read Only: true
    The total payment amount that is under process for the application.
  • Title: Fees in Pending Status
    Read Only: true
    The total pending amount for the application.
  • Title: Fees Waived
    Read Only: true
    The total fees waived for the application.
  • Title: URL
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The URL for the application.
  • Title: Link to Business License Activity
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 255
    The URL label for the application.
  • Title: Version Type
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 1
    The version of the permit. Values are original, amendment, and renewal.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier for a workflow process.
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