Create a rating method




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Agency ID
    Default Value: 1
    The agency identifier for the public sector entity to which this rating method applies.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 100
    The description of the rating method.
  • Title: Rating Method
    Maximum Length: 15
    The unique code to identify the rating method used to produce an inspection result. Rating methods are used to assign ratings such as a grade (A-F) or a numerical scale (1-5).
  • Rating Method Details
    Title: Rating Method Details
    The rating method details resource is used for view, create, or modify the rating method details. The rating method details include the rating names and score ranges that make up a rating method.
Nested Schema : Rating Method Details
Type: array
Title: Rating Method Details
The rating method details resource is used for view, create, or modify the rating method details. The rating method details include the rating names and score ranges that make up a rating method.
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Agency ID
    Default Value: 1
    The agency identifier of the public sector entity to which this rating range of scores applies.
  • Title: Maximum Score
    The maximum numerical value to specify the range of scores for this rating.
  • Title: Minimum Score
    The minimum numerical value to specify the range of scores for this rating.
  • Title: Rating
    Maximum Length: 5
    The short name for a rating. For example, if the rating method assigns letter grades, the rating name is the actual letter grade, such as A, B, or C.
  • Title: Rating Method
    Maximum Length: 15
    The unique code to identify the rating method used to produce an inspection result. Rating methods are used to assign ratings such as a grade (A-F) or a numerical scale (1-5).
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Agency ID
    Default Value: 1
    The agency identifier for the public sector entity to which this rating method applies.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date the rating method was created.
  • Title: Description
    Maximum Length: 100
    The description of the rating method.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the rating method was last modified.
  • Links
  • Title: Rating Method
    Maximum Length: 15
    The unique code to identify the rating method used to produce an inspection result. Rating methods are used to assign ratings such as a grade (A-F) or a numerical scale (1-5).
  • Rating Method Details
    Title: Rating Method Details
    The rating method details resource is used for view, create, or modify the rating method details. The rating method details include the rating names and score ranges that make up a rating method.
Nested Schema : Rating Method Details
Type: array
Title: Rating Method Details
The rating method details resource is used for view, create, or modify the rating method details. The rating method details include the rating names and score ranges that make up a rating method.
Show Source
Nested Schema : publicSectorRatingMethods-RatingMethodDetail-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Agency ID
    Default Value: 1
    The agency identifier of the public sector entity to which this rating range of scores applies.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the rating method details were created.
  • Title: Last Updated Date
    Read Only: true
    The date when the rating method details were last modified.
  • Links
  • Title: Maximum Score
    The maximum numerical value to specify the range of scores for this rating.
  • Title: Minimum Score
    The minimum numerical value to specify the range of scores for this rating.
  • Title: Rating
    Maximum Length: 5
    The short name for a rating. For example, if the rating method assigns letter grades, the rating name is the actual letter grade, such as A, B, or C.
  • Title: Rating Method
    Maximum Length: 15
    The unique code to identify the rating method used to produce an inspection result. Rating methods are used to assign ratings such as a grade (A-F) or a numerical scale (1-5).
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