Managing Labels for Application Form Elements

This topic describes how to manage changes made to labels for existing and user-defined form elements.

When making changes to the labels for elements within your application form, you need to consider what type of element it is. Changing the label of some elements is a global change, while changing the label of other elements is a local change.

  • Global: A global label change means that a change to the label affects every intake form definition using that field or element.

  • Local: A local label change means that a change to the label affects only the current intake form definition where the field or element appears.

When you select a form element or field and a label change would have global effects, a warning icon appears above the Label field in the attributes panel.

When selecting an item in the workspace, if changing the label for that item has global effect on all application forms using the item, the system displays a warning icon.

Warning icon which displays whether a label change is global or local

If you change the label of a field after a form has been migrated and used in the production system, keep in mind this can affect reporting and the storage of historical data. You may have multiple labels representing the same data.

Form Element

Scope of Label Change

Label Change Considerations

Predefined Field Group


The label of a predefined field group is the heading used to describe the grouping of the fields it contains.

Changing the label of a predefined field group is a global change.

For example, if you change the label in the Applicant predefined element used in the fence permit intake form, that change will be reflected in the Applicant predefined element used in the electrical permit intake form (and any other application form using the Applicant predefined field group).

Predefined Field Group: Parent Field


Some fields appearing in predefined form elements are part of the parent record within the data structure storing the transaction data.

You know a field in a predefined field group is part of the parent record when the warning icon does not appear above the Label field in the attributes panel.

For example, the Description field in the Application predefined field group does not display the warning icon. Changing this label affects only the current intake form definition. It is a local change.

Predefined Field Group: Child Field


Some fields appearing in predefined field groups are part of a child record within the data structure storing the transaction data.

You know a field in a predefined field group is part of a child record when the warning icon appears next to the Label field in the attributes panel.

For example, the Demolition Reason field in the Demolition predefined field group displays the warning icon. Changing this label affects all intake form definitions using the Demolition predefined element. It is a global change.

User-Defined Fields


You can change the labels for the fields that you add to your application forms, such as text fields, number fields, drop-down lists, and so on. Because you add these fields manually to your application form, you can change the default labels as needed to suit your business requirements.

The scope of any changes to the label for user-defined fields apply only to the current intake form.

HTML Constructs


A general HTML construct refers to layout elements such as group boxes and page tabs.

You can change the labels for general HTML constructs as needed to suit your business requirements. The scope of the construct and any changes to the label apply only to the current intake form definition.

For example, changing the label of the default label for HTML constructs such as Group box or Field 0 to your desired label affects only the current intake form definition.


If you change a label for a page tab or a group box used in an intake form after the form has been migrated and used in the production system, make sure to update any instructions or documentation that may reference the previous label.


For HTML constructs, such as pages and group boxes, and for user-defined fields the labels display using the language used to create or modify the application form layout. There is no automatic translation of these elements. For example, if you created the intake form in English, but then signed in using Korean for testing, you will see the English labels for those constructs, unless you have provided translated values using the Fusion Applications User Interface Text tool.

For more information on the User Interface Text tool, see Oracle Applications Cloud documentation: Tools for Changing Text in Configuring and Extending Applications.