Setting Up Generate Calendar Actions

This topic describes how to generate calendar entries using the Business Rules Framework.

Setting up Prerequisites for the Generate Calendar Action

Typically, the Generate Calendar action would be selected along with a Send Communication action, where the calendar entry will be generated, stored in the selected repository, and attached to the associated communication, such as an email, also triggered by the business rule.

Identify the corresponding communication event for the email notification, in the Attachments field for the appropriate communication template, select the following attachment repository to store the generated calendar entry: Rules Framework Attachments.

For more information on setting up communications, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

Configuring the Generate Calendar Action

To configure a Generate Calendar action:

  1. Expand the Criteria section of the Business Rules Details page.

    For more information on setting up criteria, see Setting Up Business Rule Criteria.

  2. Make sure your criteria reference the applicable attributes in the resource.

  3. Expand the Actions section of the Business Rules Details page.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the Action Name drop-down list, select Generate calendar.


    Also select the Send communication action to contain the generated calendar entry for sending to interested parties.

  6. Click Configure for the Generate calendar action.

  7. On the Configure Action page, select attributes from the available resources to populate the calendar entry details to provide context.

    Page Element


    Calendar Title

    Select a resource attribute for the calender entry title, such as Application Type, the Decision Making Body, and so on.

    Calendar Location

    Select a resource attribute for the calender location , such as Agency ID, Address Line 1, and so on.

    Calendar Description

    Select a resource attribute for the calender description , such as Application Type, the Decision Making Body, and so on.

  8. Click Done.