Setting Up Hearing Decisions

The outcome of a public hearing is referred to as hearing decision. Agency staff such as assigned planners update the decision from the hearing body into the system.

System-defined Public Hearing Decisions

Oracle delivers hearing decisions for use during the hearing process. System administrators can configure the decisions specific to their agency, which are mapped to one of the system-defined decisions listed below:

  • Approved

  • None

  • Denied

  • Continue

Adding a Hearing Decision

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Decision.

  2. The Hearing Decision page lists all the decisions you have configured. Click Add.

  3. One the Hearing Decision Status detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Enter a unique identifier of the hearing decision.


    Enter a name to identify the decision. Example, Approved with Conditions, Not Result, and so on.


    Enter any text to describe the decision.

    Applies To

    Select the decision check box for which the status applies to:

    • Hearing Decision (This is the default selection.)

    • Staff Recommendation

    System Status

    Select one of the system-defined statuses to map to the new decision you are creating:

    • Approved

    • None

    • Denied

    • Continue


    Turn on the switch to make the decision available to use.

  4. Click Save to save the new hearing decision and return to the Hearing Decision page, which lists the newly created decision.

Modify a Hearing Decision

To modify a hearing decision:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Decision.

  2. The Hearing Decision page lists all the decisions you have configured. Click the row of the decision you want to modify.

  3. On the Hearing Decision detail page, make changes to the fields and click Save.


    You can make changes to all the fields except the Code.

  4. The Hearing Decision page lists the updated row.

Deleting a Hearing Decision

To delete a hearing decision:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Decision.

  2. The Hearing Decision page lists all the decisions you have configured. Click the row of the decision you want to delete.

  3. On the Hearing Decision detail page, click Delete and confirm deletion by selecting OK.

  4. Click Save and return to the Hearing Decision page. The page lists the updated decision rows.