Setting Up Meetings

Meetings are the initial step in the application process for business licenses and planning and zoning applications. Meetings are scheduled to allow the business owners or property owners to work with agency staff to receive feedback prior to submitting license applications.

Business Licenses: A consultation meeting is scheduled between the business owner and agency specialists to determine the necessary applications and approvals for the license procurement.

Pre-applications and Planning applications: A meeting is scheduled between the property owner or developers and agency planners to determine the necessary applications and approvals for the project.

Setting Up Meeting Templates

Administrators set up and manage meeting templates to determine meeting parameters such as what level of control is given to the users and agency staff for scheduling meetings.

Meeting templates are associated with planning application types, which determine the type of template that is applied to the business consultation, preapplication, or planning application. See Setting Up Planning Application Types and Setting Up Business License Types.

Viewing, Modifying, and Deleting Meeting Templates

To view all the meeting templates added to the system:

  1. Select Common Setup > Meeting Template.

  2. The Meeting Setup Template page lists all the meeting templates in the system.

  3. Click on any record to open a detail view of the template.

  4. On the Meeting Setup Template page, you can review the template details.

  5. If you make any changes to the detail, click Save.

  6. To delete the template record, click the Delete button. If you want to delete multiple templates, you can delete them from the Meeting Setup Template page:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes for the template rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.

Adding a Meeting Template

To add a new template:

  1. Select Common Setup > Meeting Template.

  2. Click Add.

  3. On the Meeting Setup Template page, enter details related to the new template:

    Page Element


    Template ID

    Enter an identifier for the meeting template.


    Enter a name for the meeting template.


    Enter a description about the template.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch to make the template active.

  5. The Applicant Access section allows you to set up applicant privileges. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Applicant can request

    Select to allow an applicant to request a meeting. Applicants can access the Meetings page and schedule a meeting based on the availability of the agency staff. See Working with Meetings.

    Applicant can reschedule and cancel

    Select to allow an applicant to reschedule or cancel their meeting.

  6. The Meeting Availability section allows you to set up the parameters for scheduling meetings, determined by:

    1. Staff Meeting Schedule or

    2. Agency Meeting Schedule

    Staff meeting schedule: Select to allow users to schedule meetings based on the availability of their assigned agency staff such as a planner for preapplication and planning application meeting, or a specialist for business consultation meeting.


    For preapplication and planning application meetings, you must ensure that all your planners are assigned a meeting work schedule on the Agency Staff Profile.

    Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Meeting Duration in Hours

    Select a value to set the maximum amount of time the meeting can be scheduled for. Users will see this value as the duration of the meeting, and they are not allowed to edit the field. See the section Scheduling a Meeting under Working with Meetings.

    Schedule after Number of Days

    Select a value to set the number of days from the current date, so that users can schedule a meeting on a date available after the number of days specified here. For example, if you select a value 5 on the 10th day of this month, the calendar on the Meeting Request page displays the dates that are available after the 15th day of the month.

    Schedule up to Number of Days

    Select a value to set the number of days that will be available for the users to select a date on the calendar for scheduling the meeting. For example, if you select a value of 90, the calendar on the Meeting Request page displays 90 calendar days starting from the date the user is making the selection.

    Agency meeting schedule: Select to allow users to schedule meetings based on the schedule of the agency. In addition to the fields described above, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Work Schedule

    Select the agency level work schedule that should be considered while determining the availability for the consultation, preapplication, or planning application meeting.

    Maximum Concurrent Meetings

    Select a value to determine the maximum number of meetings that can be scheduled at a time – for a planner or a specialist.


    With this option selected, meetings can be scheduled before assigning a planner or specialist to an application.

  7. The Meeting Details section allows you to set up the subject, agenda, and the location for the meeting.

    Page Element


    Include Subject

    Select the check box and enter the meeting subject in the Subject field.

    Include Agenda

    Select the check box and enter the agenda in the Meeting Agenda field. You can use Rich Text formatting options.

    Include Location

    Select the check box and search for the desired location of your agency using the Agency Information look up. The address of the location you select is displayed in the Meeting Location field.


    Users can edit the entries for the agenda and location fields while scheduling the meeting on the meeting request page.

  8. Click Save.