Setting Up Referral Bodies

Referral bodies are those departments that an agency can refer to in cases of code violations that are not in the scope of the agency. The agency can assign the issue to the referral body based on the referral type.

Adding Referral Bodies

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Referral Body.

    The Referral Body page lists all the referral bodies that are configured by the agency.

  2. Click Add on the Referral Body page to add a new referral body and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Referral Code

    Enter an identifier of the referral body.


    Enter a name for the referral body.


    Enter a description about the referral body on the basis of which, an incident or case can be referred to the body.

    Referral Type

    Select the type of referral, which can be a department within the agency or an external agency:

    • Agency Department.

    • External Agency.

  3. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new referral body.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Referral Bodies

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Referral Body.

  2. On the Referral Body page select the row for the corrective action that you want to modify.

  3. On the referral body details page, you can:

    • Change the name, description, and referral type values.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the referral body.


      You cannot delete a referral body.

  4. Click Save to save changes.