Paying Fees

Agency staff can pay fees with funds in a deposit account.

Applicants, primary contacts, or just contacts can pay fees with funds in a deposit account if they are authorized users on the deposit account and have access to pay fees.

For more information, see Working with Fees and Payments.

Running Autopay to Pay Fees with Deposit Account Funds

You can set up a process to record fee payments for deposit accounts.

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Account Autopay Fees.

  2. On the Parameters tab, confirm that All Deposit Accounts is selected and click Submit.


The Autopay Fees with Deposit Account process was enhanced to evaluate if the prevent payment condition exists to determine fee payments made using deposit accounts. If the condition to prevent a payment is applied, the Autopay process will not process the payment of those fees using deposit accounts.

For more information, see Using the Process Monitor.

Reversing Fees

You can reverse fees that have been paid with funds in a deposit account.

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. Click a row on the Deposit Account page.

  3. On the Deposits and Charges tab, click Reverse Fee.

  4. Select one or more fee items and click Submit Reversal. If you want to reverse fee items associated with a Payment Reference ID, search for that Payment Reference ID the before selecting the fee items.

  5. Select a reason for the reversal and click Submit.

Viewing Fees that are Payable by Authorized Users

This page lists the fees that can be paid by each authorized user with the balance in the trust account.

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. Click the Fees Payable tab in the left navigation to see the list of fees.

Working with Bank Transfers

An agency may hold funds received for trusts/escrows/bonds in a separate bank account without co-mingling the funds with operational funds. When the agency has incurred a cost, it will communicate to the developer/contractor of its intent to use the funds in trust/escrow/bond and specify the amount and purpose of use. An agency will become the owner of the monies held in trust/escrow/bonds and the developer/contractor relinquishes all legal and equitable interest for such amount immediately or after a stipulated period of time. In such events, the agency may move money from the bank account that holds deposit account funds to the bank account that holds the agency’s operational funds for fees charged to the deposit account. This feature provides integration with Oracle Financials Cash Management and enables agency staff to create bank transfers to move monies.

Bank Transfers is an optional feature and can only be used if you have:

  1. Implemented Oracle Financials Cash Management.

  2. Configured bank accounts, business units, payment methods, and payment profiles in Oracle Financials Cash Management.

  3. Linked the Oracle Financials Cash Management bank account to a deposit account in the Funding and Security section of the Deposit Account Information page. For more information, see Setting Up Deposit Accounts.

Submitting Bank Transfers

Here's how to submit a bank transfer.

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Bank Transfers.

  2. On the Bank Transfers page, review the withdraw amount column to see if there are funds eligible to transfer.

  3. Click a row to review the withdraw amount by deposit account.

  4. Click Select Multiple and choose the rows for which you want to submit the bank transfer.

  5. Click the Bank Transfer button.

  6. In the modal window, populate the destination bank account, business unit, payment method, payment profile and submit the bank transfer.

Note: Agency staff submitting the bank transfer should be aware of the payment methods and payment profiles associated with the bank account. Choosing incorrect values will result in a validation error.