Viewing Assigned Inspections

Inspectors and inspection supervisors can view details about all inspections, including inspections assigned to them, on pages they access from their laptops or desktops. They can also view the inspections assigned to them in the Oracle Inspector web application. Inspection supervisors view daily inspections for the inspection types and districts they are responsible for using Oracle Inspector.

Inspection assignments are based on attributes, such as inspection type and inspection district, that are associated with the job functions. For more information about inspection job functions and attributes, see Setting Up Agency Staff.

Viewing Inspections Assigned to Me

As a building inspector, business license inspector, or inspection supervisor, you can find the inspections assigned to you on the Task Management page on your desktop or laptop:

  1. Select the My Inspections link on the agency springboard.

  2. The Task Management page opens with a predefined filter to select tasks with the Inspection type.

    You can also use the filter button to filter by additional parameters, including task name, application ID, transaction type, status, last updated date, or assigned by.

    Inspection assignments appear in the task grid.

  3. Click the View More Details button for a permit record to open the Inspection Detail page.

You can also view your assigned inspections on the Inspections tabs in the Worklist and on the Inspection Tasks page in the Oracle Inspector web application. See Viewing Tasks in the Worklist and Viewing Inspection Tasks, respectively.

For information about inspection details for a permit, see Reviewing Inspection Details.

Viewing All Assigned Inspections

Agency staff including inspectors and inspection supervisors can view all assignments on the Inspections page accessed using a desktop or laptop:

  1. Select the Inspections tile on the agency springboard or in the global navigation go to Inspections > Inspections.

  2. Click the Request Inspection button to open the Inspection Request page to begin the scheduling process.

    For more information about scheduling an inspection, see Requesting and Scheduling Inspections.

  3. In the Actions column, you can select View Request or View Detail, which opens the inspections information for an application in the application details pages.

Viewing the Daily Schedule for Inspections in Oracle Inspector

The Inspection Tasks page provides a daily calendar view with inspections organized by scheduled date and time or date only, depending on agency configuration of the scheduling methods. Overdue inspections from previous days appear at the top of the list.

For more information about using the Oracle Inspector web application to view assigned inspections, see Viewing Inspection Tasks.