Viewing the Permit Summary

You view a permit summary on the Overview page, where you get a snapshot of information regarding a permit with links to more detail.

When you access the details for a permit, you see a summary of the permit activity.

The header of the summary page displays an indicator if the permit is a primary or subapplication. On primary permits, you can see a link with the number of permit subapplications that are added to the primary permit. Clicking the link opens the Linked Permits page to show the permit subapplications that are linked to the permit. The header also displays the address of the primary parcel and its physical location on a map. This information is updated to show the latest activity. For example, when the primary parcel address detail is modified on the Property Information page, the same is automatically updated in the header and in the permit Overview page.

Only agency staff can update the date the application was received or withdraw an in-progress application on the Overview page. Both agency staff and the applicant can add a description of the application.


As agency staff, you can access this page on a phone as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout and some functionality change based on the device you are using.

Using the Overview Page

  1. Navigate to Permits > Permits or click the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Permit Applications page, click the row for a selected permit to open the Overview page.

  3. On the Overview page, review details or enter information in the Overview section:

    Page Element


    Application ID and Application Type Review the unique identifier for the application and its type.


    Review the application status.

    Conditions Review the conditions applied to the application. Click the condition link to open a Condition summary drawer, to view the details

    Relationship Type

    Remove link

    Select a relationship type for the permit:

    • Independent: The permit is neither primary nor subapplication.

    • Primary: The permit changes to primary application. You can use the Actions menu to select Apply for Subapplication for linking new subapplications or select Link Subapplication to link existing subapplications.

    • Subapplication: The permit changes to subapplication. You can link a primary permit using the Edit button in the Primary Application field.

    The Remove link appears for permits that are of the type Primary or Subapplication. Click the link to change the permit type to Independent.

    Once you link a primary permit to the subapplication, the application can't be changed to primary relationship type. Similarly, when you link a subapplication to the primary permit, the application can't be changed to subapplication relationship type. You can only make the application independent by clicking the Remove link, which will remove the existing links between associated applications.

    Note: The relationship type is view-only for registered public users.

    Primary Application

    Review the primary application that is linked to the current subapplication. Click the link to open the permit detail in a separate browser tab. To change the primary permit, click the Edit button and select a permit from the list.

    When there is no primary permit linked, you will see the text—Not Defined and the page's header displays a warning This subapplication isn't linked to a primary permit. Click the Edit button to open the Link Primary modal page and link a primary permit.

    This field appears only for subapplications. See the section Linking Primary Permit to Subapplication at the end of this topic.

    Note: This field is view-only for registered public users.

    Submitted By

    Review the name of the user who submitted the application and the submission date.

    Completed Date

    Review the date the application was completed.


    Enter a description of the application by clicking the Add link in the Description field. The agency staff or applicant can add a description.

    Received Date

    Review the date when the permit application was received. Agency staff enters the date, which is on or before the submission date, when filling out the intake form on behalf of the applicant. Agency staff can update the received date here on the Overview page.

    For applicants submitting their application online, the received date field isn’t available in the intake form or on the Overview page.

    Issue Date

    Review the date when the agency issued the permit.

    Your administrator's setting in the Issuance and Reissuance Dates field on the Permit Options page determines whether the issue date or the most recent reissue date is displayed. For details, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits

    View History

    Click the link to open the Permit Issuance History page and view the list of permit issue and reissue dates history—with permit status and the staff who updated the record. The name of the staff is not visible to public users.

    Reissue Date

    Review the date when the agency reissued the permit most recently.

    This field is visible only if the Track Both Dates option is selected from the Issuance and Reissuance Dates field on the Permit Options page. This date is used for the expiration date calculation based on the expiration rule definition and agency option settings. For details, see Setting Up Permit Expiration Rules and Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits.

    Expiration Date and Extend

    Review the expiration date of the application.

    If the Extend link is available next to the Expiration Date field, agency staff can enter a new expiration date that allows more time before the application or permit expires. You must have appropriate permissions associated with your role to manually extend a permit.

    Expiration date for a reissued permit: The system compares the newly calculated expiration date with the expiration date set at the time of permit issuance. The date that is resulting in a longer expiration due period is applied.

    For example, if the expiration date calculated at reissuance is January 8 and the expiration date at the time of permit issuance was January 12, then the expiration date applicable for the reissued permit will be January 12.

    Expiration notifications appear below the expiration date. Depending on how the agency set up the expiration rules for the permit type, you’ll see a notification that the application expires in the displayed number of days.

    For more information about working with application expiration, see Expiration Overview and Working with Application Expiration.

    Permit Period and Permit Status

    When a permit is issued for the first time, you can view the period for which the permit was issued, and its status.

    Every time a permit is renewed, the permit period is updated.


    Click to select an option:

    • Apply for Subapplication: Create up to 5 new subapplications by copying selected details from the current application.

      Note: This action is available only for primary permits and for permits that are neither primary nor subapplication. After such a standalone permit is marked as a subapplication, this action is not available.

      For more information about applying for an application, see Working with Linked Permits.

    • Copy Application: Copy the details of the current application to up to 5 new applications. You can also establish a link between the current application and the copied applications.

      For more information about copying an application, see Copying an Application.

    • Link Subapplication: Link an existing primary permit to your subapplication. See the Linking Primary Permit to Subapplication section at the end of this topic.

      Note: This action is available only for primary permits and for permits that are neither primary nor subapplication. After such a standalone permit is marked as a subapplication, this action is not available.
    • Withdraw Application: Change the application to a withdrawn status. When you withdraw an application, any scheduled inspections or plan reviews are canceled.

      For more information about withdrawing an application, see Withdrawing an Application.

    • Print Permit: Click to view the printable building permit. This button appears only after the permit is issued.


      This option is available for public users by default. You turn off the Allow Public User to View switch on the Permit Type page to make this option unavailable for public users. Also make sure your browser allows pop-up windows if you can't view the permit.

      See Setting Up Permit Types.

  4. Review information about the selected permit in the sections and navigate to more details:

    Page Element



    View the details of the primary contact and the name of the applicant.

    Click the View Details link to open the Contacts page, where you can add additional contacts.


    View a list of active and recently completed tasks, including the task status, assignment, last updated date, and number of days in the current status.

    Click the View Details link to open the Workflow page.


    View the number of scheduled, upcoming, and completed inspections, as well as the number of inspections that have passed and failed.

    Click the View Details link to open the Inspection List page.

    Fees and Payments

    View the total fees paid, amount due, and the date and amount of the last payment.

    Click the View Details link to open the Fees and Payments page.


    View the projects to which this permit belongs.

    Click the View Details link to open the Projects page, where you can see the list of projects in more detail. Click the Project ID link to find out more about the project, which may contain other permits.

    The Projects section is available only when the permit is associated with a project.

    Conditions of Approval

    Review all the conditions of approval applied to the permit at various stages of the project, which are determined by the compliance period set up. If no conditions of approval are applied to the permit, a Apply Conditions of Approval link is available to apply new conditions.

    Click a dial to open the Conditions of Approval page, where you can see the list of conditions applied for the specific compliance period. You can use the Resolve switch to resolve the condition.

    See Working with Permit Conditions of Approval.


    If you’re using a phone, you can review a summary and access details for fees and payments, and projects, from the Overview page. For complete details, access permit applications using a laptop or desktop computer.

Linking Primary Permit to Subapplication

You can link an existing primary permit to your subapplication from the Overview page:

  1. Click the Edit button next to the Primary Application field to open the Link Primary page. The header displays the current permit application ID, property, and the Subapplication badge.

  2. The Link Primary page lists only the primary and independent permits that are associated with the property selected in the intake form. To view primary permits from all the available properties, enable the All properties check box. Enable the All statuses check box to view all permits other than in statuses—canceled, withdrawn, or denied. You can click the application link to open the application detail in a new tab of your browser.

  3. Select a primary permit application and click Save.

Use the Search field to find a specific primary permit application. Click the Display Settings icon to personalize the grid to suit your own preference. For details, see Personalizing Grid Displays.