Setting Up Contractor License Options

Contractor license options are system-wide settings that control contractor license processing and data. You can maintain multiple sets of options, each with its own identifying code. But only one code at a time can be active.

Use contractor options to control:

  • Whether you integrate with an external licensing body to validate license information during application intake.

  • Whether to allow users to manually choose classifications for licenses.

  • Whether to decline an application based on the status of the license.

  • Which sections for supplemental license information are visible to users.

  • Which ownership and insurance types the applicant can select in the intake form.

You can also establish an integration with an external licensing body to load license information into your contract records.

Configuring Contractor License Options

Here's how staff with an agency administrator or business analyst role can set up contractor options:

  1. Select Contractor Setup > Contractor License Options.

  2. Click Add to create a new set of options, or click an existing row to modify it.

  3. If you’re creating a new set of options, enter a unique Code as an identifier.

  4. Enter a Description for this set of configuration options.

    The description should be suitable for end-users because both public users and agency staff see the description when entering contractor information.

  5. Use the Active switch to indicate whether this is your active contractor configuration.

    Only one set of configuration options can be active. If another configuration is already active, then an error message explains that you must turn off this switch for the active configuration first.

  6. Use these switches to enable additional configuration options:

    Page Element


    Integrated with External Source

    When this option is enabled, users can retrieve license information from an external licensing body in the intake form. Click the Integrations link to identify the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) integration that retrieves the information.

    When integration is inactive, the Limit to Contractor List option is automatically enabled and the License Types link appears.

    Whether the Integrated with External Source switch is on or off, you can set up an integration to load license data using batch processing in the Integrations section.

    Limit to Contractor List

    When this option is enabled:

    • Users can only select licenses from the agency’s contractor records in the intake form, whether or not there’s an active integration.

    • The agency can still add licenses to the contractor records from an external source using an integration.

    When this option is off, licenses entered in the intake form are retrieved first from the contractor records if they exist there, then from the external licensing body.

    Limit License Usage to Authorized Contacts

    Turn on this switch to allow only authorized contacts access to the agency-maintained list of approved contractors when selecting a contractor license.

    For business license applications, this option only applies when the application type uses the Select from List display option for collecting contractor information. For information, see Using the Intake Form Designer for Business Licenses.

    Document Group

    Select a document group.

    When you specify a document group, document attachments can be classified into categories and subcategories when you upload files. Then you can see the category for a document on the Attachments page in the contractor license details.

    For more information, see Setting Up Document Groups.

Working with Integrations

To enable integration with an external contractor license source:

  1. Click the Integrations link to configure integration settings in the Integrations grid.

  2. Click the Add action to add an integration. You can only add one of each type of integration.

  3. Enter the following for each integration:

    Page Element



    Identifies the process that uses integration:

    • Verify license online retrieves information for a specific license that a user enters in the main contractor page or in the intake form for a permit or planning application. These pages have a button that the user clicks to initiate information retrieval.

    • Batch load license data establishes the integration used to load information for multiple licenses into your contractor records when batch processing runs.

    You can create only one row for each integration type.

    Integration Name and Integration Parameter

    Enter the name of the OIC integration that retrieves contractor license and contact information and the query parameters for the OIC integration end point. Oracle Public Sector calls the PSCR CONTRACTOR BATCH LOAD integration by using the parameter DataSource,MergeOption,LastUpdated,DataToLoad.

    Integration Version

    Enter the version number of the OIC integration.


    Leave this field blank. The source key is maintained in the OIC integration definition.

    Integration Enabled

    Indicate whether the integration type is enabled.

Adding License Types

You can add license types whether or not your system is integrated with an external source. Applicants select a contractor license type when entering contractor information in the intake form.

Oracle recommends adding a license type with the value LICENSE to the License Types grid. That way, if your system is integrated with an external source and the integration doesn't return license types, then LICENSE appears as the default value on the contractor license.

To select license types for this set of license options:

  1. Click the License Types link to maintain license types.

  2. Click the Add action to add a license type.

  3. Enter the following information for each license type:

    Page Element


    License Type

    Enter the unique identifier for the license type.


    Enter the descriptive name of the license type.


    Indicate whether the license type is enabled.

Working with License Classifications

To set up license classifications for this set of license options:

  1. Click the Classifications link to maintain the license classifications in the Classifications grid.

  2. Click the Add action to add a classification.

  3. Enter the following information for each license classification:

    Page Element



    Enter the unique identifier for the license classification. The contractor licensing body sets these codes.


    Enter the descriptive name of the license classification.


    Indicate whether the license classification is enabled.

Working with License Statuses

The statuses that the licensing body assigns are called source statuses. When integration is turned on, you map a source status to an agency’s internal status.


The license status defaults to Other for unmapped source statuses. Applications that include licenses with an Other status are automatically declined.

To set up license status mapping rules:

  1. Click the Status Rules link to maintain a mapping in the Status Rules grid.

  2. Click the Add action to add a mapping.

  3. Enter the following information for each status rule:

    Page Element



    Select the agency status for this rule. When a license has this status in the contractor records, and the Decline Application switch is on, the application can’t be submitted.

    If using an integration, select the agency status to assign to licenses that have the specified source status. If multiple source statuses map to a single agency status, there will be multiple rows for the agency status.

    Source Status

    Enter a license status that’s assigned by the licensing body. This field is only available when you’re integrating with a licensing body. When integration is turned on, you map a source status to an agency’s internal status.

    Decline Application

    Enable this switch to prevent applications from being submitted when a contractor license has this agency status, or this source-to-agency status mapping when integrated with an external licensing body. This option also prevents you from adding contractor licenses with the source status to the permit details.


    Indicate whether the status rule is enabled.

Displaying Category Sections

Sections are specific categories of supplemental information about licenses. License classifications appear in a section on the intake form and contractor record. Other sections include information about bonds and insurance such as Workers' Compensation. The sections you enable at the agency level appear on the Select Display Options page in the application designer.

You can change section titles by updating the section description on Contractor License Sections setup page. For more information, see Setting Up Contractor License Sections.

To enable the sections you want to display:

  1. Click the Sections link to maintain sections in the Sections grid.

  2. Click the Add action to add a section.

  3. In the list of available sections, use the Enabled switch to control section visibility. Turning off the switch hides the section on the intake form and contractor record from both agency staff and public users.

For information about displaying contractor license sections with instructional text on business license applications and contractor registration intake forms, see Using the Intake Form Designer for Business Licenses.

Selecting Ownership Types

Applicants select an ownership type from the list when providing license information on the intake form. You define which ownership types are available to choose from.

To select the ownership types you want to display:

  1. Click the Ownership Types link to maintain the types of business ownership that can be associated with the contractor’s license in the application.

  2. Click the Add action in the Ownership Types grid.

    Using the lookup prompt, you can select from the ownership types that you set up on the Ownership Types page, for example, Corporation, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship. For information about setting up ownership types, see Setting Up Ownership Types. If an ownership type is retrieved from an integration but isn’t in the contractor license options, the ownership type is added to the contractor license option details.

  3. Turn on the Enabled switch to indicate the ownership type is active.

Setting Up Insurance Types

To set up the insurance types you want to display:

  1. Click the Insurance Types link to display the Insurance Types grid.

  2. Click the Add action to add the types of insurance information that can be associated with a license.

  3. Enter values in the Insurance Type and Description fields.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch to indicate the insurance type is active.