Setting Up Fee Notices

Agencies can set up fee notices for permit and planning applications containing a combined list of fees due to be sent on a regular basis.

The automated process sends notices with fees for an application consolidated into a list in each notification. Every time a fee with a Due status is added or recalculated, the application is identified as updated in the system. The notice with combined fees is sent out to the designated recipient on the schedule you define.

Fees are added to the notice for an application based on the date when:

  • A fee with a Due status is added or changed.

  • The fee status is changed to Due.

  • The amount of a fee with a Due status is recalculated or changed.

You'll need a communication template with a fees grid for the notice, scheduled rules setup in the Business Rules Framework, and processing instructions for communication frequency.

Create a Communication Template

You set up a communication template specifically for the consolidated fees notice using designated communication events and variables for fee attributes:

  1. On the Communication Event page, select the Scheduled Rule: Updated Permit Fees Due or Scheduled Rule: Updated Planning Application Fees Due communication event to create the template.

    For more information, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

  2. In the message body, insert variables for fee attributes in a grid format. Click Add Grid and select the fee due attributes, such as Fee Item, Assessed Date, and Amount.

    For more information, see "Inserting Additional Attributes in Templates" in Using Attributes in Communication Templates.

Set Up a Scheduled Rule

You configure a scheduled rule in the Business Rules Framework that identifies the permit or planning application for which the fee is updated and specifies the communication template to use. For more information about setting up scheduled rules, see Setting Up Scheduled Rules.

After you create a communication template, set up the rule:

  1. Select the Scheduled Rules tile in the Business Rules Framework and select a business objects, Permits Workflow Communications or Planning and Zoning Workflow Communications.

  2. Add the following criteria in the Criteria section of the rule to identify the permit or planning application for which the fee is updated in the defined time frame:

    • Fees Balance Due > 0 (includes only due fees) or

      Fees Outstanding Balance > 0 (includes both due and pending fees)

    • Fees Due Updated Date = ${Current Date} (for daily notices) or

      Fees Due Updated Date ≥ ${Current Date} - 7 (for weekly notices)


    You must enter both criteria to avoid notices sent whether fees are updated or not.

    For more information, see Setting Up Business Rule Criteria.

  3. In the Action section of the rule, select Send Communication and configure the action to use the template you already created. For more information, see Setting Up Send Communication Actions.

Set Up a Scheduled Process

The Process Monitor uses the scheduled rule set up in the Business Rules Framework to initiate batch processing on a regular basis. The process checks for any change in fee items with a status of Due for a permit or planning application and sends the communications on the schedule you define here.

After you configure the communication template and rule, set up processing instructions for the rule:

  1. To schedule the rule directly in the Process Monitor from the Business Rules Framework, click the Schedule Rules link on the Scheduled Rule Details page. You can also use the Process Monitor link to set up a new Schedule Rules process or see all of the scheduled and running processes.

  2. Enter values on the Schedule Rules page:




    Select the scheduled rule that you set up in Business Rules Framework.


    Run: Using a schedule

    Frequency for daily notices: Daily and Every 1 Day

    Frequency for weekly notices: Weekly and Every 1 Week

    Start and End Date: Enter agency-determined values


    Not applicable

  3. Click Submit.

For more information about using the Process Monitor, see Using the Process Monitor.