Setting Up Parcel Values

You add, modify, and delete parcel values on the Parcel Value page.

Adding a Parcel Value

  1. Select Common Setup > Parcel Value.

  2. On the Parcel Value page, click Add.

  3. On the Parcel Value Details page, enter information in the following fields:

    Page Element


    Parcel ID

    Enter the ID of the parcel for which you are defining an address.

    For more information on parcels, see Setting Up Parcels.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the date range for which the parcel value is valid.


    You can leave the Effective End Date field blank to give the parcel an open end date.

    Parcel Size 1 and Parcel Size 1 UOM (parcel size 1 unit of measure)

    Enter a numeric value and a unit of measure to define the size of the parcel.

    Parcel Size 2 and Parcel Size 2 UOM (parcel size 2 unit of measure)

    Enter a numeric value and a unit of measure to define an additional size for the parcel.

    Land Value

    Enter the monetary value of the land associated with the parcel.

    Improvement Value

    Enter the monetary value of any improvements made to the parcel.

    Personal Property Value

    Enter the monetary value of any personal property associated with the parcel.


    Enter the monetary value of any fixtures associated with the parcel.

    Owner Exemption, Fixture Exemption, and Other Exemption

    Enter the monetary value of any exemptions associated with the parcel.

    Net Assessed Value

    Enter the assessed monetary value of the parcel.

    Currency Code

    Enter the currency that applies to the parcel value.

    Property Use Code

    Enter the property use code associated with the parcel.

    Parcel Number

    Displays the parcel number associated with the Parcel ID that you selected.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel Value

  1. Select Common Setup > Parcel Value.

  2. Click a row on the Parcel Value page.

  3. On the Parcel Value Details page you can:

    • Update the parcel value field values.


      You cannot edit the Parcel ID and Effective End Date fields.

    • Delete the parcel value. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.