Working with Inspection Details

In the Oracle Inspector web application for mobile devices featuring the Redwood Experience, you view the inspection overview panel and initiate actions for performing inspections on the inspection detail panels, including working with checklists, comments, attachments, signatures, and time recording.

Access the inspection overview and detail panels by clicking the inspection type link for an inspection on the Inspection Tasks page. In the inspection overview panel, you can:

  • Review the inspection number, type, and its status.

  • Access application details associated with the inspection.

  • Review the description of the application.

  • Locate the inspection site on a map.

  • Review inspection status, rating, score, and number of major violations of completed inspections.

  • Identify the inspector, location contact, and contact information.

  • Read requester comments and special location instructions.

  • Claim an inspection assigned to another inspector.

  • Access the conditions applied to the application.

  • Update your estimated time of arrival at the property.

  • View and update, add, or cancel an inspection.

  • View the cancellation reason for canceled inspections.

  • Reschedule or postpone an inspection.

This example illustrates the inspection panels for a permit inspection containing the field values described in the surrounding text. The panels in the carousel include inspection overview information, checklists, comments, attachments, and signatures. The time recording panel appears after the signatures when you rotate the carousel.

Inspection details panels in the Oracle Inspector web application

You can view this information and take these actions on the inspection overview panel:

Page Element


Inspection type, number, and status

View the inspection type, inspection number, and inspection status. The status badge can be Scheduled, Canceled, or Completed. An Overdue badge indicates that the inspection was not completed on the scheduled day.

Inspections Action menu button

Click the Actions menu button in the inspection header information panel to perform these actions:

  • Add Inspection – Add an inspection for the same application. This action is available on inspections with a Scheduled or Canceled status. When the application status is Withdrawn or Completed, you will no longer be able to add new inspections. You can, however, add inspections for business licenses in a Completed status.

  • Assign to me - Click to claim a scheduled inspection assigned to another inspector.

    This action is only available when the inspector who claims the inspection has the Building Inspector or Business License Inspector job function with district and inspection type attributes that match the inspection's district and type attributes.

  • View or Apply Conditions – Click to open the Conditions page. For more information, see Working with Conditions and Applying Conditions to Applications.

  • Cancel Inspection – Click to cancel an inspection with a Scheduled status. Enter a cancellation reason and confirm to permanently remove the inspection.

  • Update ETA – Click to enter your estimated time of arrival at the property in the Start Time and End Time fields. You can use the Delete button to delete the previously saved values.

    Your agency can set up automatically generated notifications when an ETA is updated using the Permit Inspection ETA Updated or Business License Inspection ETA Updated communication events and templates.

  • Get Information – Click to see inspection information, including who created the inspection and when, and who updated the inspection and when.

  • View Summary Report – View the inspection summary report for a completed inspection. The agency must configure the summary report first. See Setting Up Reports.

    You can also follow the agency steps for Generating Reports on a desktop.

For more information about these actions, see Managing Scheduled Inspections.


Click the button to result the inspection on the Inspection Result page. For more information, see Submitting Inspection Results. The selected results appear in the inspection header information panel.

Inspection Location

Click the address link to view the inspection location on a map.


Displays the scheduled date or date and time, depending on the inspection type's schedule method set up by the agency; the ETA or estimated time of arrival, if provided; and the inspector arrival. Depending on the agency setup, inspector arrival can be a specific time, time range, or date only.

Inspection Result

Displays the result provided on the Inspection Result page. Depending on the scoring method, you may see Total Score, the number of Major Violations, and Grading information.

Assess Fee

Displays Yes or No depending on the Assess Fee selection on the Inspection Result page.


Displays the name of the assigned inspector.

Location Contact

Click the name of the location contact for preferred contact information such as phone number, and email address or text message..

Permit or Business License

Displays the application type, application number, the number of conditions applied to the application, and the level of the most severe condition. Here's how you can access more information:

  • Click the application type link to open the application details.

  • Click the link with the number of conditions to open the Conditions page.

If available, the application description is displayed.

Working with the Inspection Detail Panels

You work with different aspects of the inspection using the inspection detail panels. Here's information about the panels:

Panel Name



Displays the checklists set up by the agency for the inspection type, including the checklist name, the number of items in each checklist, and the number of checklist comments and attachments, if any. This panel is unavailable if the inspection type isn't set up to use checklists.

Click the name of the checklist to open the Checklists page. From here you have access to the inspection checklist items. See Using Inspection Checklists.


You can't work with checklists if there's a condition on the application that prevents the final inspection or prevents inspection results.

Click the Checklists link to open the checklists page. For more information, see Using Inspection Checklists.


Displays the inspection comments. Checklist comments are available only on the Checklists page.

Click the Add Comment (+) button to add an inspection comment.

For each comment listed in the panel, you can do this:

  • View the comment text, who created the comment and when, and who updated the comment and when.

  • View a badge to indicate whether the comment can be viewed by the public (Public) or only agency staff (Private). Inspector comments are visible to the public unless the agency selects an option to hide them.

  • Click the View Details button to open the Comments page. Review or add comments related to the inspection.

Click the Comments link to open the comments page, where you can also search comments. For more information about comments, see Working with Comments.


Displays a list of inspection attachments.

Use the Drag and Drop region to add attachments or documents related to the inspection, such as videos or annotated photos. Click the region to select a local file or drag a file into the region to upload the file.

Use the Search field to find an attachment.

For each attachment listed in the panel, you can click the three-dot actions button and select an action. Download and delete actions are available depending on your permissions.

  • View Details: Open the Attachment details drawer and view the file details.

  • Download: Download a copy of the file.

  • Preview: Open a preview window.

  • Delete: Remove the file.

Click the View all attachments link to open the attachments page. For more information about attachments, see Working with Attachments.


Displays signature information for the inspection, including inspector, contractor, and owner signatures, depending on agency setup. Each type of signature may be designated as Required. This panel is unavailable if all of the inspections are not required for the inspection type.

Click the Not signed link to open the signature drawer and sign in the fields provided.

After saving, the signee's name appears as a link to view the signature. A date and time shows when the inspection was signed.

Time Recording

Displays time entries for the inspection. Available for permit inspections only.

Click the Add Time (+) button to record the amount of time you spend on an activity.

For each time entry listed in the panel, you can do this:

  • View the category and subcategory of the time entry associated with the time code, the amount of time entered, the agency staff associated with the time entry, and the time entry date.

  • Click the name associated with the time entry to open the Time details drawer, where you can make updates depending on your permissions.

  • Delete the time entry.

Click the Time Recording link to open the time recording page. For more information about adding and working with time entries for inspections, see Reporting Inspection Time.