Using Custom Properties

When you set up workflow, a variety of custom properties are available for implementing various features. This topic describes how to use the custom properties.

Making Custom Properties Available in a Process Definition

The sample definitions provided in the solution package come with custom properties already added. If you are adding custom properties to a custom definition, follow these steps.

To add a custom property to a process definition:

  1. Access the Custom Properties dialog box using either of these ways.

    • Open a process definition and click the Custom Properties icon on the right toolbar.

    • Open a process definition, select a task, click the Custom Properties icon on the right toolbar, and click Add custom property.

  2. Enter the property information in the Property Name and Description fields in the Custom Properties list:


    You must use the exact property names as they appear in the following section. You can provide your own descriptions.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Save.

Custom Properties

These custom properties are available for Oracle Permitting and Licensing process definitions.




Use this property to set the order for human tasks when there are multiple possible paths through the process definition.

The order does not affect the workflow process, but it allows users to see the possible future workflow tasks in a logical order. Enter an integer value to indicate the sequence.

For example: 2

The Workflow page for a transaction includes an option to view a list of all past, present, and not started human tasks for the permit. The list displays past and present tasks in chronological order. However, the chronology for tasks that haven’t been started is not necessarily fixed. The branching logic in a process means that some tasks might be omitted or might occur in a different order depending on permit data or on the outcome of previous tasks.

To control the order in which not started human tasks appear, use the PSC_LIST_ORDER custom property. On the Workflow page’s list view, tasks that have not yet started are listed in the order you specify. If multiple not started tasks have the same number, they appear in the list in random order.


Use this property to identify a human task that isn't allowed to progress when the transaction has a condition that applies the Prevent Issue or Final condition rule.

Typically, this property is used to identify the final human task in the process definition.

You can also use this property on the human task for issuing an application to prevent the application issuance.

Yes identifies the final activity.

A blank value or a No value means the Prevent Issue Final or condition rule won't be checked.

See Setting Up Conditions and Applying Conditions to Applications.

For information about using this property for required documents, see the section, "Custom Properties for Required Documents," in this topic.


Use this property to identify the final inspection task in the process. Setting this property is necessary to support the transaction business logic that auto-advances the inspection task when the last inspection is closed.

Inspection is the only value with related business logic.

Leave this property blank for other types of activities.

Permit processing includes logic to automatically progress past the final inspection step in the process definition when permit inspections are complete. To enable this functionality, you must identify the final inspection task in the process definition using the PSC_ACTIVITY_TYPE custom property. Further, you must identify the workflow action to apply to that task using the PSC_AUTO_UPDATE_ACTION custom property.

This property is also used for plan review completion, planning activities, and assigning or reassigning planners.

For information about using this property for required documents, see the section, "Custom Properties for Required Documents," in this topic.

The value entered for the Assign Planner task should match what's entered on the Update Workflow action in the Business Rules Framework rule.


Use this property to identify the action to take when auto-advancing a task in a process.

Setting this property is necessary to support the transaction business logic that auto-advances the inspection task when the last inspection is closed. It's also used to auto-advance an assigned planner.

Use the exact action name as specified in the Action property for the human task. Take extra care with the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the action name.

For example: Approve or Assign Planner.


Security roles related to the Mobile Inspector app and the Plan Reviewer should be included in the task swimlane mapping.


Identifies actions that can be taken for the task even if there is logic preventing the task from advancing.

Use this property when the task includes possible outcomes that return to a previous task rather than advancing.

For example, if the final inspection can be advanced with an action of “Approve” or returned with an action of “Needs More Information,” then use the PSC_UNRESTRICTED_ACTIONS property to make “Needs More Information” an unrestricted action. This allows users to take the “Needs More Information” action, even though the logic that prevents the final inspection task from advancing disallows other actions.

When there are multiple unrestricted actions, separate the actions with commas but no spaces. This is the same format used in the Actions property where you define all of the available actions for a human task.

For example: Needs more Info, Proceed, OK


Use this property to map the transaction statuses of your migrated legacy data to the correct Oracle Permitting and Licensing workflow user tasks. You must set this property for your process definition workflow user tasks before running the Prepare Migrated Data for PSCR process.

See Generating Workflow Status for Migrated Transactions.

The status of the migrated legacy transaction.

For example: SUB


Use this property on human tasks to hide the Request Details button on the two-panel workflow tab in the transaction details pages. Setting the value to True or TRUE hides both the Request Details button and the Accept Info button.



For more information on the Request Details button and Accept Info button see Using Workflow.


Use this property on human tasks to provide a custom label for the Request Info button that appears by default on the two-panel workflow tab in the transaction details pages.


Request Details


You can request more information at different stages of the workflow by configuring the Request Info drop-down list with various options. When the drop-down list is configured, you cannot customize the Request Info label. You will also have an option of sending an e-mail to interested parties for more information.

To enable the drop-down list, you need to provide the menu items for the list, and whether the email option will be enabled. Use the following syntax:

Where ENABLE_COMM enables the email communication to be invoked, and DISABLE_COM does not display the email option.

For example:

(Pending Deposit, ENABLE_COMM),(Missing Details, DISABLE_COMM),(Revision Required, DISABLE_COMM)


Use this property on human tasks to provide a custom label for the Accept Info button that appears by default on the two-panel workflow tab in the transaction details pages.


Accept Details


After you configure the Request Info and Accept Infoed only when the information is accepted using the Accept Info option. When the drop-list is enabled, you cannot customize the Accept Info label. You will also have an option of sending an e-mail to interested parties for more information.

To enable the drop-down list, you need to provide the menu items for the list, and whether the email option will be enabled. Use the following syntax:

For example:

(Deposit Received, ENABLE_COMM), (Details Received, DISABLE_COMM) , (Revision Complete, DISABLE_COMM)


Set this for any human task in the process definition.

This property enables you to control whether comments are required when updating the Status drop-down list for a human task on the Workflow tab of the transaction details.


The Status drop-down list is populated by the Action field in the General properties of a human task.

Options are:

  • MANDATORY: Any status update requires a comment to be entered.

  • OPTIONAL: A comment can be added if desired but not required for any status update.

  • SELECTIVE: A comment is required for one or more particular status values. For example, if you only want to require a comment when the task status has been set to Reject to explain why the application did not meet requirements. You specify the status values requiring a comment using the PSC_WFACTION_SELECTIVE property.


Set this for any workflow human task in the process definition where the PSC_WFACTION_COMMENT property has been set to SELECTIVE.

Add status value(s) for the selected workflow task where you want the agency user to provide a comment. When the specified task status value is selected, a comment becomes required.

If there are multiple statuses for which you want to require a comment, enter a comma-separated list. For example:

Reject,Requires More Information


Specify the event code for the Business Rules Framework event to call for validating the transaction information to ensure that all requirements are met for the workflow process to advance to the next task or to trigger other business rule actions for that event. For example, include the event code for the event where the business rule triggering a Stop Process action determines if a permit or business license should be issued.

The event codes for the permit and business license issuance events are:

  • Before Permit Issuance (LNP-BEFORE-ISSUANCE)

  • Before Business License Issuance (BL-BEFORE-ISSUANCE)


When you specify PSC_BRF_EVENT_CODE, PSC_BRF_ALL_WF_ACTIONS determines whether to invoke the Business Rule Framework event in all situations or selected. Enter values Yes or No.

  • Yes: to invoke for all workflow actions (the default).

  • No: to invoke only if the workflow status isn't listed in the PSC_UNRISTRICTED_ACTIONS custom property.


Enables a workflow task to be available to be selected during the alter workflow process.

For more information on this option see, Enabling Tasks for Altering Workflow and Reopening Applications


Enables a workflow task to be available to be selected during the reopen application process.

For more information on this option see, Enabling Tasks for Altering Workflow and Reopening Applications

Custom Properties for Required Documents

Agencies can set up business license, permit, and planning applications to require documents at different steps throughout the application process. To enable validations of required documents at the Application Acceptance, Application Issuance, and Application Completion workflow tasks, use the custom properties as described here. For more information about settings to enforce document requirements, see Setting Up Required Documents.


Application Acceptance

Accept Application

Yes or No

Application Issuance


Yes or No

Application Completion

Enter any value.
