Withdrawing an Application

Only agency staff can withdraw applications that have been submitted for processing and are in progress. Activities associated with the application are also canceled or withdrawn.

Agency staff can withdraw applications with a system status of Submitted or in-progress statuses on behalf of an applicant. An applicant can’t initiate an application withdrawal in the system.

And you can withdraw planning applications with one of these statuses:
  • Submitted

  • In Progress

  • Hearing

When you withdraw an application that is in progress, the action also cancels or withdraws any of the following that are associated with the application:

  • Open inspections

  • Open plan review cycles and reviewers

  • Scheduled preapplication meetings

  • Scheduled public hearings

  • Tracked planning application activities

The system status of the application changes to Withdrawn.

For information about canceling an application that hasn’t been submitted yet and is still in a pending status, see Canceling an Application.

Security Details for Withdrawing an Application

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to withdrawing an application.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Withdraw Planning Application

Allows an agency user to withdraw a planning application after submission.

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Principal Planner

PSC System Administrator

For more information on creating roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

Withdrawing In-Progress Applications

You withdraw an application on the Overview page in the application details. Agency staff must have the correct permissions to withdraw an application.

To withdraw an application:

  1. Select the Planning Applications tile on the agency springboard.

  2. On the Planning Applications page, click the Actions icon button in the row of the application you want to withdraw.

  3. Select the Withdraw Application menu option.

  4. Here's what you can do on the Withdraw application drawer:

    • Manage Links - This button is for permits only. Click to manage the primary application and subapplications that are affected when you withdraw the permit.

    • View Details - Review the fees due and click the button to go to the Fees and Payments page in the application details to manage fees.

    • Withdrawal Reason - (Required) You must enter a withdrawal reason before you can withdraw the application.

  5. Click Withdraw Application to permanently withdraw the application.


    When you withdraw an application, the action also cancels any plan reviews, inspections, and workflow that are associated with the application.

You can also withdraw an application from the Overview page in the application details. On the applications list page, click the row for the application that you want to withdraw to access the application details.