Price Override using Price Tags

You can now add the price tag construct on product offering prices of simple offerings. The price tag could be used for many purposes say it can be used to put in an appropriate tag on a product offering price which could be used by downstream systems when performing price overrides or to view them on invoices, or it could be used as a filter condition on adjustments.

The price tag needs to be first setup using the new REST API end point https://<HOST_NAME>/crmRestApi/atcProductCatalog/ The price tag is configured for a service, currency or non-currency combination. It can take a list of values, any value or a range.

Example - WirelessVoice atomic offering of type with a 10$ one-time fee is associated with a price tag CTag1. The CTag1 is configured to with a list of values 1$, 2$ for price override by the downstream system.

The following figure depicts the price tag on the one-time fees of SG Wireless voice offer.

Price tag

Price tag configuration on atomic offering

The business benefit of this is the ability to configure price override on prices of offerings which can be used by downstream systems to override the price.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Access Requirements

  • Communications Catalog Product Manager
  • Communications Catalog Administrator