New Videos

New videos are available:

Working with and Creating Custom Validations

This video shows you how to work with real-time validations in interactive requests, how to run reports on custom validations, and how to create and enable a custom validation. The demo uses the business scenario of a Financials Cloud company viewpoint where parent nodes are assigned ranges using values in the Range From and Range To properties. The custom validation checks if the current node’s parent has values in the Range From and Range To fields. If so, it uses the greaterThanOrEqual and lessThanOrEqual methods to verify that the node name falls within its parent’s defined range.

Validation Best Practices for Trustworthy Enterprise Data

This overview covers the basics of validations and constraints and best practices for using them during various data management tasks in Enterprise Data Management. Tasks discussed include initial data ingest to a viewpoint; recurring tasks such as changing viewpoint data using requests, validating viewpoints, and uploading incremental data from external systems; and exporting data. Because this video provides advanced best practice recommendations, we assume that the viewer has an intermediate-to-advanced working knowledge of Enterprise Data Management, especially working with requests and data governance workflows.

Business Benefit: Videos provide 3-5 minute overviews and step-by-step instructions to perform tasks and achieve an outcome.