Joint Venture Distribution Reversal Audit Trail Improvements

View the original, reversed, and redistributed distributions after a reversal due to an ownership definition change when the original distribution had not been billed.

Here’s an overview of the change in behavior of the reversal process.

Current behavior:

For distributions in Process Complete status (Distribution only: Yes), Available to Process status (Distribution only: No), or On Hold status, the reversal process deletes the distribution and creates a new distribution of line type Redistributed using the revised ownership definition.

New behavior:

  • Process complete (Distribution only: Yes): The distribution remains, but its line type changes from 'Original' to 'Canceled'. A reversed distribution is created to offset the original with a status of Process complete, and a new distribution is created with the revised ownership definition and a type of Redistributed.
  • Available to process (Distribution only: No): The distribution remains, but its line type changes from 'Original' to 'Canceled' and its status is updated to Process complete. A reversed distribution is created to offset the original with a status of Process complete, and a new distribution is created with the revised ownership definition and a type of Redistributed.
  • On hold: All distributions currently on hold, along with their associated distributions, will be excluded from the reversal process.

Business Benefit:

This provides the joint venture accountant with a complete audit trail for all reversal activity.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

  • For more information, refer to:
    • Implementing Joint Venture Management guide and
    • Using Joint Venture Management guide.

Access Requirements

  • Joint Venture Accountant