Changes Are Made to Business Objects

This release includes changes and attribute additions to audit business objects.

New Business Object Attributes

The following business objects have been updated with new attributes.

Business Object New Attributes

Audit - Fixed Asset Depreciation Method

  • Annuity depreciation method New
  • Annuity depreciation method Old

Audit - Person Allocated Checklist

  • EnableMultiPerformer New
  • EnableMultiPerformer Old
  • ObjectReferenceId New
  • ObjectReferenceId Old
  • SubjectKey New
  • SubjectKey Old
  • SubjectType New
  • SubjectType Old

Audit - Person Allocated Checklist Tasks

  • EmbedAppTaskTypeId New
  • EmbedAppTaskTypeId Old

Attribute Name Changes

Business object attributes correspond to various business areas. In an effort to align the attribute labels shown in the Advanced Financial Controls business objects to labels defined in the corresponding application pages, some are updated.

Business Object Name Old Attribute Name

New Attribute Name

Audit - Journal Source Setup

  • Require Subledger Accounting Entry Approval New
  • Require Subledger Accounting Entry Approval Old
  • Require Manual Subledger Entry Approval New
  • Require Manual Subledger Entry Approval Old

Audit - Payroll Calculation Range Value

  • Calculation Type Override New
  • Calculation Type Override Old
  • Source ID New
  • Source ID Old
  • Calculation Type New
  • Calculation Type Old
  • Calculation Component New
  • Calculation Component Old

Audit - Payroll Calculation Value Definition

  • Range Name New
  • Range Name Old
  • Base Name New
  • Base Name Old

Business Benefit

Updates to audit business objects are made to maintain alignment with records in Setup and Maintenance > Manage Audit Policies.

Steps to Enable

When you use business objects that introduce new attributes, you must run the Transaction Data Source Synchronization job. Business objects with changes require that the data synchronization job be run in order to return the related values. Depending upon the number of business objects you are using across models and controls, the data synchronization job may take a little longer than usual.

Tips And Considerations

For renamed attributes, you don't need to do anything to models or controls that reference these names. Just be aware they have changed.