Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Module Feature Notes
05 JUL 2024   Handling of Empty Revaluation Metadata File from ERP Updated document. Delivered feature in Release 24B.
05 JUL 2024   Inclusion of Period to Date Net Movement Information in Data Extracts Update document. Changed feature name from The YTD/MTD/QTD Net Movement Measures Are Required in Extracts.
05 JUL 2024   Journals Representing Revaluation Movements have been Added Updated document. Changed feature name from Reporting - The Ability to Report on FX Revaluation Movements.
05 JUL 2024   Reporting Has Been Enhanced to Now Include Period to Date 'Net Movement' Figures Updated document. Changed feature name from The YTD.MTD/QTD Net Movement Measures are Required in Reporting.
05 JUL 2024   Increased the Length of the OOTB Attribute Data Source Description Updated document. Revised feature information.
05 JUL 2024   Additional Persistence Entities Are Now Available for Catalog User Extension Updated document. Changed feature name from Fact Extension is Enhanced to Include Two More Tables.
20 JUN 2024     Created initial document.