New Scenarios

The following new scenarios have been added in this release:

  • Patterns of Recurring Originators/Beneficiaries in Funds Transfers - External Entity Focus: This scenario monitors funds transfer activity and detects patterns of recurring transfers between originators and beneficiaries external to the institution.
  • Anticipatory Profile – Expected Activity- Account Focus: This scenario monitors transactions involving client accounts relative to the expected activity involving the account and generates an alert when activity deviates significantly from expected activity. 
  • Anticipatory Profile – Income - Customer Focus: This scenario monitors all transactions involving the focal customer and generates an alert when the amount of credits into the focal customer’s accounts exceeds a percentage of the monthly income (income as stated by the customer or verified by the client).

The Oracle FCCM Transaction Monitoring Cloud Service Data model map has been updated to show which data is required to support these new scenarios.

Increased coverage allows organizations to better detect behaviors of interest.

Steps to Enable

  1. Copy the updated scenario pipeline and create a new Job using similar naming conventions.
  2. Attach the newly created job to the existing TMScenario batch for the changes to be reflected.

Key Resources