Increased Coverage for Country of Operation

The Load Customer Addition pipeline has been added to bring data related to customer country relationships to the Ingestion layer. The Load KYC Customer Processing Data pipeline has been updated by adding the KYC Customer Country Relation and FCC Customer Country Relation widgets, which help move data from the Ingestion layer to the KYC layer for processing.

This new risk indicator allows customers who are operating in multiple countries to be risk-assessed based on the risks of each country.

Steps to Enable

Customers who use the STG_CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_RELATION table must follow these steps:

  1. Create a new task or copy the existing CustomerAddData task in the Ingestion batch.
  2. Change the $JOBNAME$ parameter to Load Customer Addition.
  3. Place this task after the CustomerAddData task and before the AnticipatoryProfile task in the batch.

Key Resources