Feature Summary

Features Delivered Enabled: Ready for Use by End Users

This table provides a summary of the features included in the document that are ready to be used by end users.

The impact of these features can be categorized as follows:

  • Larger Scale UI or Process-Based: These features have a higher potential impact on users due to their complex designs. Focus your acceptance testing on these features.
  • Small Scale UI or Process-Based: These features have minimal impact on users and typically involve minor changes to fields, validations, or programs.
  • Report: These features have minimal impact on users and include new or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready-to-run reports.

Funds Transfer Pricing

Feature Impact
FTP Cash Flow Table Small scale
Introduction of FSI Process Errors Table Larger scale
Enhanced Ledger Migration for FTP Additional Outputs Small scale
Cash Flow Weighted Rate Small scale
Option to View/Edit Embedded Meta Data Objects Small scale
Engine Performance Small scale
Enhanced General Ledger Reconciliation Larger scale

Profitability Analytics

Feature Impact
Data Level Security Larger scale
Changes in PACS Batch Operations Interface Small scale
BI Enhancements and New Analytics Reports Small scale
Performance Tuning Small scale
Run chart Changes: Drop Partition Small scale

Profitability Management

Feature Impact
Allocation Engine Performance Testing and Benchmarking Larger scale
Lookup Table Small scale
Allocation Specification Small scale
User Group Access Small scale
Re-write of Dynamic Driver Allocation Engine Service Larger scale

Cash Flow Engine

Feature Impact
Conditional Assumptions for Behavior Patterns and Discount Methods Small scale
Cash Flow Output Retention Small scale
Cash Flow Edits Small scale
Data Housekeeping Small scale