Redwood Experience for Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values

You can now let compensation managers use the Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values page re-created with the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio when you enable the page along with the Redwood experience.

Redwood Proposed Salary Changes and Rates Values Page with Search Results

Redwood Proposed Salary Changes and Rates Values Page with Search Results

Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values Details Showing Worker and Salary Details

Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values Details Showing Worker and Salary Details

Salary Details Page Showing the Current and Proposed Values

Salary Details Page Showing the Current and Proposed Values

Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values Details Showing Error Details

Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values Details Showing Error Details

With this re-created Redwood page, you continue your journey into Oracle Redwood solutions.

Steps to Enable

You need to enable both of these profile options to enable the Redwood page.

Profile Option Code

Profile Option Description

Default Value


Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interface


Profile Option Code

Profile Option Description

Default Value


Redwood Salary Pages Enabled


To revert to the non-Redwood page, set the site-level profile value to No for this profile option.

To configure a profile option, complete these steps in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the profile option.
  3. Set the Level to Site.
  4. In the Profile Value field, select a value.

Access Requirements

Custom roles created for compensation managers need to inherit the aggregate privilege:

Aggregate Privilege Name and Code

Job Role Name (that newly inherit the aggregate privilege)


Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values


Line Manager, Compensation Manager and Specialist

This aggregate privilege is required to access the worker info.