Browse and View Career Roles

There is a new Career Roles facet in Opportunity Marketplace.

Career Role Facet

Career Role Facet

Employees can use it to browse through a list of available career roles. They can also search for them.

Browse and Sarch for Career Roles

Browse and Search for Career Roles

Click a career role to see its details.

Employees can set favorites so that they can browse these roles again later.

Set Favorite Career Roles

Set Favorite Career Roles

Once they've updated their Interests, Opportunity Marketplace will include Career Roles in recommendations. (See "Set Career Preferences on the Update Interest Page" in this What's New for details.)

Recommended Career Roles

Update Interests to Receive Recommended Job Roles

This feature lets you manage career roles directly in Opportunity Marketplace.

Steps to Enable

For a career role to appear on the listing page, complete these prerequisite steps:

  1. Define a position profile or job profile for a career role (from My Client Groups > Profiles) and associate it with the respective position or job. 
  2. Ensure that the scheduled process Process Career Roles for Oracle Search Ingestion is run.

Key Resources

For more information on career roles, refer to these What's New entries in the 24D What's New:

  • Browse and View Career Roles

  • Enhanced Career Roles Page in Opportunity Marketplace

  • Enhanced Career Role Details Page

For more information on Opportunity Marketplace, refer to these topics in the Recruiting guides available on Oracle Help Center:

Access Requirements

To view the career role listing and detail pages, employees need to have the functional security privilege, Manage Career (HRG_MANAGE_CAREER_DETAILS_PRIV). This is already added to the seeded employee role.

If you use custom roles, ensure that these privileges are granted to the roles:

  • To view career roles and details: Manage Career (HRG_MANAGE_CAREER_DETAILS_PRIV)
  • To view jobs on the job tab: Access Internal Candidate Experience (IRC_ACCESS_INTERNAL_CANDIDATE_EXPERIENCE_PRIV_OBI)