One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Coursera Learning Content Provider

You can now import Coursera learning content to Oracle Learning as self-paced learning.  The content that's imported depends on your Coursera subscription plan and the content accessible to you on their platform.

Learner progression and completion is tracked in Oracle Learning whether it's launched from Coursera or from Oracle Learning. Progress data is sent by Coursera to Oracle Learning using the xAPI protocol for sharing learning experience data. So you have a single learning transcript for your learners in Oracle Learning that includes Coursera content, regardless of where they launch the content.

Learners can easily find Coursera content in your Oracle learning catalog by filtering with the publisher or author information that Coursera sends to Oracle Learning.

Learning Catalog Search by Publisher

Learning Catalog Search by Publisher

Certain details of Coursera content can't be changed in Oracle Learning because Coursera is the authority on their content. Coursera will send updates to Oracle Learning as necessary. Here's the information that can and can't be changed in Oracle Learning.

Can't Change Can Change
  • Content URL
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Description
  • Instruction languages
  • Expected effort
  • Publisher
  • Author
  • Instructor
  • Completion rules
  • Status
  • Deactivation date
  • Visibility
  • Notification pattern
  • Catalog visibility dates
  • Coordinator
  • Related materials
  • Additional information
  • Skills and qualifications
  • Topics and community associations
  • Featured dates

This enhancement extends the external content that you can leverage in Oracle Learning and provides your learners with a single learning catalog for all their training needs.

Steps to Enable


  1. Enable the Redwood user experience.
  2. Enable the 24D Redwood catalog management feature.

You need to complete set up in both Oracle Learning and Coursera.

Set up in Oracle Learning

  1. Create a user account you'll provide to Coursera so they can authenticate to your instance and send their content and learner progression.
    1. On the Tools > Security Console, Users tab, add a user account.
    2. Set Associated Person Type to None.
    3. Enter the appropriate user details so you can identify the account. Give the account a meaningful user name, such as Coursera.
    4. Create a job role and include the Learning Content Provider duty role.
    5. Grant this role to the new user account. The role allows this account to use the necessary Oracle APIs to receive content and completions from Coursera.
  2. Enable the Coursera external provider using the Configure External Providers task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.
    1. Configure the Coursera provider.
    2. Enter the user account created in the previous step and validate.
    3. Optionally change the attribute mappings. These let you map certain Coursera attributes to attributes in Oracle Learning that you might have extended or customized.

Set up in Coursera

  1. Contact your Coursera account manager and give them the username created in Oracle Learning. In turn, they'll provide you with this information:
    • A public certificate so they can authenticate to the Oracle Learning APIs to send content and completion data
    • A trusted issuer name for their JWT token

Set up in Oracle Learning

  1. Add Coursera's public certificate to Oracle Learning to authenticate incoming requests from Coursera. For detailed steps, see Configuring Oracle API Authentication for Content Provider (document ID 3041374.1) on My Oracle Support.

Schedule background processes in Oracle Learning

  1. Using the Tools > Scheduled Processes task, schedule these processes:
  • ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS to make new content and updates from Percipio visible in Oracle Learning. Set the program name to OLC-REST and leave the other input fields empty.  We recommend a frequency of once per day.
  • Process learning experience statements to process any learner experience statements from Percipio that for some reason weren't processed immediately. We recommend a frequency of once per day.
  • Process Learning App Events to deactivate content when the deactivation date set by Percipio arrives. We recommend a frequency of once per day.

Tips And Considerations

  • Single sign in is required between your Oracle Learning and Coursera instances using any Identity Provider of your choice. Contact your Coursera account team to help with this.
  • For any setup related queries for Coursera, contact your Coursera account manager.
  • If you're planning to use more than one of the learning connectors, the Learning Connect SKU might be applicable. For more details, check Oracle Learning Connect.

Key Resources

For more information refer to External Content Providers chapter of Implementing Learning guide.