One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Tax Withholding Card for Pending Workers

We have made the employee onboarding process easier for you.  You can now define a person’s Tax Withholding card before their hire or start date.

When enabled, the Hire a Pending Worker process automatically creates a Tax Withholding calculation card when you onboard the applicant.  It includes a default Federal component.  You can update this card with federal and state withholding details.

Once the hire is confirmed, the info you captured on the pending worker’s Tax Withholding Card is copied to their employee Tax Withholding Card.

This feature is not enabled by default.  To enable it:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show More.

  2. In Payroll, click Calculation Value Definitions.

  3. Select your legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Search for and select Tax Withholding Card for Pending Worker.

  5. In Calculation Values, click Add Row.

  6. Enter these values.

Field Value
From Value 0
To Value 9999999
Text y
  1. Click Submit.

This feature allows you to define a person's tax withholding info while they're still in pending worker status.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Once the pending worker migrates to employee status, the process end dates their pending worker tax card and creates one for their employee work history.

The pending worker’s tax card end date is the same as the employee’s start date.

You can view the old pending worker tax card by performing a search as of the effective start date of the pending worker record.