Additional Data Capture in the 2024 England School Workforce Census

You can now override the Working Days Lost value that's reported for sickness-related and pregnancy-related sickness absences to ensure it's an accurate reflection of the teacher or teaching assistant's working days and excludes holiday days when they aren't expected to work. You record this override in the SWC Working Days Lost field in the Legislative Information region of absence records that are based on the UK Sickness Legislative Grouping Code. The override value is reported in the census only where Working Days Lost would otherwise be calculated based on the absence duration and the staff member's work schedule. If no override is entered, the calculated value is used. If the override value isn't recorded as a whole number or to the nearest 0.5, it's rounded up or down, according to the requirements of the Department for Education.

Note: Absences for pregnancy-related appointments - as opposed to absences for pregnancy-related sickness - are not configured using the UK Sickness legislative grouping code and their working days lost are reported using the calculated value.

According to the requirements of the Department for Education, the defaulting behavior of the new School Business Professional post in the 2023 census based on specific post and role combinations, is no longer provided. That is, to report a person as a School Business Professional in the 2024 census, you must record that post on their contract.

Additionally, the defaulting of the Senior Leadership Team indicator is no longer defaulted to 'Yes' for staff members who were, in 2023, defaulted to the School Business Professional post. In 2024, the Senior Leadership indicator is defaulted as 'Yes' in the census only when the person is in one of the following posts: Head Teacher, Deputy Head, Executive Head Teacher, Assistant Head or Leadership – Non-Teacher, even if their Senior Leadership Team field is left blank. (You can also select 'Yes' in the field with the same result, or you can override it with 'No'). Equally, you can enter 'Yes' in the field to report the indicator for staff members in other posts.

The Gender Current data item is now replaced in the census with a Sex data item. Only those values recognized by HMRC (M or F) are reported. The reported sex is therefore based on the value entered into the Gender field only.

You are able to record the additional data that's required for inclusion in the 2024 England School Workforce Census.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

England School Workforce Census Implementation and Functional Considerations and associated data mapping document (both in Document ID 2794274.1)