Record CFDI Stamping Status

You can now keep an audit of the stamping status of your employees' CFDI using HCM Data Loader to upload this information to the Payroll Interface Inbound Records. CFDI stamping information is uploaded using the Payroll Interface Inbound Record object with the Mexico CFDI Stamping Status record type.

The two Payroll Interface Inbound Records HDL components are:

  • Payroll Interface Inbound Record, which has summary information about the CFDI information being uploaded
  • Payroll Interface Inbound Record Information, which has the detail information about the CFDI processed.

You can review the uploaded CFDI stamping information using the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

File Information

File Information

Payslip Information

Payslip Information

This feature enables you to maintain an audit trail of CFDI processing and gives you the ability to review any CFDI errors before making any needed corrections and resubmitting the CFDI file.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information. see Overview of Loading Payroll Interface Inbound Records on the Oracle Help Center.