Add New Input Values to Existing Elements

You can now add new input values to an element using the HCM Data Loader (HDL), when the element has entry values created or processed in the payroll run. The new input value must meet the following criteria:

  • Input value is non-mandatory
  • Default at run time is not enabled
  • Default value is not provided
  • Default formula is not attached
  • Input value with the same name does not exist already for the same element

When you create a new input value for an element using the PayrollElementDefinition HDL object, a new flow, Perform Post Processing of Element with task Create Element Entry Values will automatically assign this value to all element entries. After the entry values are created for all impacted employees, you can modify the entry value.

Rollback or Retry of Entry Creation

During the entry creation process, if the Perform Post Processing of Element flow errors out for any reason, you can retry or resubmit the process to create the remaining entry values. You also have the option to rollback the process, which deletes all entry values. When you delete the entry values, you must also delete the input values that were created using HDL.

Validations are provided to ensure the input and entry values are created successfully. When the Perform Post Processing of Element process is running, or being rolled back, the following validations will be applied:

  • Element will be locked for any modification.
  • Payroll processes, such as Calculate Payroll, Retroactive Pay, and so on, will be blocked from running.
  • Input value can't be created while a payroll process is being run.

This feature makes the validations on the element input values less stringent and provides more flexibility.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Consider when the best time is to create any new input values, to minimize the impact on your payroll cycle.