Additional Goal Attributes in All-in-One Evaluations

You can now view an employee’s performance or development goal with all the related information for that goal in All-in-One Evaluations.

When you click the goal count in the goal section, a drawer displays read-only goal details such as the basic information, progress notes, measurements, tasks, and target outcomes.

This feature enhances user experience by providing consistent information for goals across all the pages.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • As Performance Documents, Check-in, and Goals Center are closely connected, in Redwood you can enable or disable these pages using the common ORA_HRA_PERFORMANCE_DOCUMENTS_AND_GOALS_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option. These features can’t be enabled individually.

  • Properties are available in VB Studio to control which attributes display for goals.

Key Resources