New Attributes in Workforce Schedule Real Time

Workforce Scheduling - Workforce Schedule Real Time subject area has been enhanced to include the following new attributes

Folder Attributes

Workforce Schedule

  • Published by Worker Name  
  • Published by Worker Person Number
  • Unpublished Date    
  • Unpublished by Worker Name
  • Unpublished by Worker Person Number

Workforce Schedule Shift Details

  • Include Floating Resources Code 
  • Include Floating Resources       
  • Is Approval Required to Claim Code  
  • Is Approval Required to Claim    
  • Premium Shift Code     
  • Premium Shift      
  • Is Overtime Allowed Code       
  • Is Overtime Allowed     
  • Incentive Amount Shift Date      
  • Shift Reference Date

New Attributes for reporting.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.