Support Regional Value Content Percentage in Supplier Solicitation Process

This feature enables you to specify the Regional Value Content (RVC) Percentage on the Campaign Line and copy this data to the item qualification. Suppliers can specify the RVC Percentage on the campaign line while providing information about the parts they are supplying. This information can be copied to the item qualification to be used while determining qualification for a trade agreement. This enhancement involves the following objects in GTM:

  • Campaign Line
  • Data Configuration
  • Item Qualification

Campaign Line

Suppliers can specify the RVC Percentage on the campaign line while providing information about the parts they are supplying. The RVC Percentage indicates the percentage of originating content for a part. Some trade agreements allow companies to factor in originating content that is less than 100%. Suppliers can indicate this percentage on their campaign line and, once they respond to a solicitation, this percentage can be used when qualifying your finished goods. To support this process, a Regional Value Content Percentage field is added to the campaign line.

Campaign Line with Regional Value Content Percentage

Campaign Line with Regional Value Content Percentage

Data Configuration

The existing data configuration with an Association Type of 'Campaign Line to Item' can be used to to copy data from the campaign line to the item qualification including the Regional Value Content Percentage. When the Approve Campaign action is triggered, GTM copies the data specified in the data configuration from the campaign line to the item qualification.

Data Configuration - Campaign Line to Item

Data Configuration - Campaign Line to Item

Item Qualification

Once the campaign is approved and data is copied from the campaign line to the item qualification, you can see the Regional Value Content Percentage on the Item Qualification.

Item Qualification - Regional Value Content Percentage

Item Qualification - Regional Value Content Percentage

This feature provides additional capability for suppliers to provide important information about their parts. By allowing suppliers to enter the information directly, it can reduce the workload for users in gathering this data.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information on the use of Regional Value Content Percentage in the trade agreement qualification process, please refer to the 'Accumulate Originating Content from Non-originating Purchased Goods' topic in this What's New document.