One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Mobile - Driver Flow - Show More Than One Shipment For Start

A new enhancement has been implemented to have multiple active shipments for a driver. It is configurable through the following property in driver mobile layout.

"multipleActiveShipments"  = false

Default value of "multipleActiveShipments" is false which means driver will see only one active shipment. If "multipleActiveShipments" is true, driver would have the ability to start multiple shipments.

It will help drivers to have multiple shipments in Active box.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Note  - if a driver wishes to execute their Active shipments in an order that is different from how the shipments were dispatched, the new ordering, change in order, must be handled by the dispatcher/planner first before the driver can change the order for executing their shipments..