Redwood Experience for Additional Features to Oracle Inspector

Inspectors can provide results for multiple inspections at once in the Oracle Inspector web application used on mobile devices. This release enhances the validations for checklists, prerequisite inspections, and conditions, and provides cues for indicating whether comments, attachments, and signatures have been added or not.

This example illustrates the Result Multiple button available on the Inspection Tasks page in Oracle Inspector featuring the Redwood Experience.

Inspection Tasks Page with Result Multiple Button

Inspection Tasks Page with Result Multiple Button

On the Inspection Tasks page, when an inspector selects the Result Multiple button, only inspections that can be resulted will be displayed and can be selected to result in batch. When an agency enables an inspection type to use checklist items, inspectors can't result the inspection until the required checklist items are complete.

The inspector can apply the same result to the selected inspections in a batch on the Result Inspections page, where you can add comments, attachments, and signatures to each inspection before submitting the results. This example illustrates the icon buttons for Add Comment, Add Attachment, and Add Signature.

Result Inspections Page, Featuring Buttons to Add Comments, Attachments, and Signatures

Result Inspections Page, Featuring Buttons to Add Comments, Attachments, and Signatures

After adding comments, attachments, and signatures, the icon buttons look like this:

Buttons After Comments, Attachments, and Signatures Have Been Added

Buttons After Comments, Attachments, and Signatures Have Been Added

The icon changes for comments and attachments are also available on the Checklist page in the inspection details. When providing inspection results through the inspection details, the Comments and Attachments buttons appear as text with an item count.

Before inspectors provide inspection results, they can see checklist results on the Checklists panel in the inspection details. This example of the Checklists panel displays the checklist results. The agency sets up which checklist items are required before resulting the inspection.

Inspection Overview and Detail Panels: Checklists Panel

Inspection Overview and Detail Panels: Checklists Panel

Note that inspectors can't update checklist or inspection results if the permit or business license application has a condition with one of the following condition rules:

  • Prevent Inspection Result - You can't result any inspection for this application.
  • Prevent Final Inspection - You can't result inspections that are identified as final inspections.

The progressive web application continues to enhance mobile inspection functionality to help with productivity.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The Oracle Inspector web application featuring the Redwood Experience doesn't currently support working offline or access to viewing permit details. 

Key Resources