Download Oracle CPQ Business Metrics to .CSV File

Oracle CPQ 24D introduces the ability to download API, Login, and Quoting metrics to a .CSV file from links within the CPQ application. The business metrics are available in 24-hour UTC intervals. The API, Login, and Quoting metric download links are only available for FullAccess users with administrative permissions and access to the Commerce Settings for Quoting metrics and/or General Site Settings for API and Login metrics.

In Oracle CPQ 24C and earlier, CPQ site metric reports were reported to the Oracle Cloud My Account Portal. The Oracle Cloud My Account Portal is no longer supported. Administrators now have the business metric data readily available to them to archive and aid in troubleshooting and support a customer-generated data analysis tool.

The following API metrics are supported for CSV file download from Oracle CPQ General Site Options:

API Metric

API Licenses Total number of web-services-only users that sent at least one request during the specified time range

eCommerce Interactions

Total number of eCommerce interactions collected during the specified time range.

Disk Space

Combined disk space size of all Commerce attachment attribute values and file manager files in Gigabytes (GB)

The following Login metrics are supported for CSV file download from Oracle CPQ General Site Options:

Login Metric Description
Internal Users Total number of active internal users

Internal Licenses

Number of licenses remaining for internal users

Internal Users Logged In

Total number of unique internal users that have logged in during the specified time range

Percentage of Internal Users Logged In

Percentage of all internal users that have logged in during the specified time range

Partner Users

Total number of active partner users

Partner Users Logged In

Number of licenses remaining for partner users

Percentage of Partner Users Logged In

Percentage of all partner users that have logged in during the specified time range

The following Quote metrics are supported for CSV file download from Oracle CPQ Commerce Settings:

Quote Metric Description
Quotes Total number of new quotes that were both created and saved at least once during the specified time range
Internal Quotes Total number of internal quotes created during the specified time range
Partner Quotes Total number of partner quotes created during the specified time range

The following Quote Performance metrics can be supported for CSV file download from Oracle CPQ Commerce Settings. Quote Performance metrics are only available for Oracle CPQ sites with Application Logging and Response Time Logging enabled. Log a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support to enable these properties.

Quote Performance Metric Description

Average Time to Create a Quote

The average time (in milliseconds) it took to create a new quote during the specified time range

Ninetieth Percentile Response Time To Create a New Quote

The ninetieth percentile response time (in milliseconds) to create a new quote during the specified time range

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.