Disable Meter Readings Using REST API

Asset meters let you define and use them to track your asset utilization. You can define multiple reusable meter templates that can then be assigned to the applicable assets. You can also set up multiple meters for an asset to track different parameters of an asset. Meter readings provide a historical record of the usage and condition of an asset at user-defined intervals. They also provide insight into asset conditions and requirements that can be useful in scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Typically, the meter readings are tracked by a physical counter on the asset or by the computer controls that are used to operate and monitor the asset.

Before this update, you could remove historical meter readings using the Manage Asset page, but you couldn't remove them through the Meter Readings REST service. In this update, you can do all of these actions using the REST service as well:

  • Disable the last active reading or any historical reading in history after the last locked reading in history.
  • Disable asset or subscription meter readings.
  • Disable, cancel, and recreate any historical records after the disabled reading.

The ability to delete historical readings through REST Service leads to greater efficiency and visibility.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Tips And Considerations

  • Using the functionality of the UI, you can disable last or historical readings. However, here are some conditions:
    • You can disable the readings that weren't disabled, canceled, or rolled over before.
    • You can only disable a RESET reading if it's the most recent reading in history; otherwise, an error can occur.
  • You can disable readings only if they're after the last locked or flagged reading in history.
    • Therefore, a locked reading can't be disabled nor can any readings in history before it can be disabled.
  • When you disable a reading:
    • All future readings are canceled.
    • Future readings are recreated to reflect their net change.
    • The Displayed and Life-to-Date net values are recalculated.