Use the Enhanced Work Execution Capabilities at Workstations

This update includes the following features for an enhanced production operator experience at workstations:

Add Attachments to a Workstation

You can now upload workstation specific documents, like safety guidelines and autonomous maintenance checklists, to new or existing workstations. These documents are then available for operators to access when they check in to a workstation for work execution.

Add Attachments to a Workstation

Add Attachments to a Workstation

View Attachment at a Workstation

View Attachment at a Workstation

Generate Direct Links

Generate a deep link to launch the operator workbench for a specific workstation. You can add this deep link as a shortcut on your desktop or tablet home screen.

Generate Direct Link to Launch a Workstation

Generate Direct Link to Launch a Workstation

Generate Bar Codes

Generate a barcode for a specific workstation. You can use it to scan and select the workstation when checking in through the operator workbench.

Generate and Print Workstation Barcode

Generate and Print Workstation Barcode

Select Reason Codes for Rejection During Operation Execution

When executing a work order operation at a workstation, you can now choose to enter reason codes when you reject quantities. You can select from a predefined set of reason codes for each rejected quantity.

Select Reject Reason During Execution

Select Reject Reason During Execution

Overcomplete or Undercomplete Work Order Operation Quantities

When executing the first or last count point work order operation, you can now overcomplete and undercomplete quantities respectively, based on the overcompletion and undercompletion tolerances defined for the work order.

Print Labels for Operation Quantities Completed at Your Workstation

You can now print labels for completed operation quantities with predefined label content that includes the item, work order, and serial number information.

Automatically Report Resource Usage for Operator and Equipment Resources

Automate resource usage reporting for operator and equipment resources used during execution based on the time spent executing work order operations.

With this update, if the automatic charge of resources used during execution fails, then the production supervisor can review and correct the transaction errors using the ADFDi interface, instead of a production exception being automatically reported.

With these enhancements, you can:

  • Provide operators with ready-to-access workstation information and guidelines.
  • Provide increased traceability and visibility on rejection types to help make faster decisions on disposition of quantities.
  • Enable operators to perform all completion actions using a single interface, which leads to enhanced productivity.

Steps to Enable

Make the feature accessible by assigning a configured job role that contains the required privileges. Details are provided in the Access Requirements section below.

You can add attachments to a workstation by launching the Workstations task from the Work Definition work area under Supply Chain Execution.

Tips And Considerations

  • Attachments of type image can be previewed at the workstation at this time. All other types of attachments, such as video and PDF documents, would need to be downloaded by operator.
  • The resource usage of equipment resource instances and the checked in operator’s labor instance are automatically reported at the end of execution only if the corresponding operation resource is of type manual.
  • If the automatic charge of resources used during execution fails, then the production supervisor can review and correct the transaction errors, using the ADFDi interface.
    • Enable the permanent Opt-In 22D feature, Correct REST API Transaction Errors Using the ADFdi Interface.

Key Resources

  • Watch the Use the Enhanced Work Execution Capabilities at Workstations Demo.
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Refer to the Using Manufacturing guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Refer to the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the following privileges can add attachments, generate workstation barcode, and print workstation barcode:

  • Manage Workstations (WIS_MANAGE_WORKSTATIONS)

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the following privileges can select reason codes for rejection during operation execution, print labels for operation quantities completed, and overcomplete or undercomplete work order operation quantities during execution at a workstation:

  • Execute Production at a Workstation (WIP_EXECUTE_WORKSTATION)
  • Report Operation Transactions (WIP_REPORT_OPERATION_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
  • Print Product Labels (WIP_PRINT_PRODUCT_LABELS_PRIV)