IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Replaced and Removed Features

From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features, or removes existing features. Replaced features may be put on a path to removal. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.

This section identifies the feature in this Cloud service that will be removed or replaced.

Module Removed Feature Target Removal Replacement Feature Replaced In Additional Information
Self Service Procurement

Purchase Requisitions (original version)


Responsive Self Service Procurement Application


As of update 25C, the original version of the Purchase Requisitions work area in Oracle Fusion Cloud Self Service Procurement will be retired, and the original Purchase Requisitions work area will no longer be available. If you're using the original version of Oracle Self Service Procurement’s Purchase Requisitions work area, then you should move to the Responsive Self Service Procurement application as soon as possible.