Report on Access Type in More Tables

Previously only OKCS Content View surfaced "Access Type" for reporting and its values were constrained by the values passed by protected portions of standard widgets unless you were making your own api calls.  Access Type is now also available on:

  • OKCS Question
  • OKCS Annotations
  • OKCS Search Responses
  • OKCS Intents
  • OKCS Paging
  • OKCS Click Thru
  • OKCS Question Stats
  • OKCS Answer Stats

At the API level access type shows up as activityType.  Many /content apis already support activityType as querystring parameters such as GET /content and GET /content/docId/:docId.  With this feature that same querystring parameter has been added to:

  • POST /search/question
  • POST /search/pagination
  • POST /search/answer. 

Consistent use of this parameter on all APIs that support it will populate the previously mentioned tables.

Our standard widgets now will now produce generic data in Access Type for these new tables that indicate whether a search came from the home page or a browse page.  In order to override these values with your own you can just pass your desired value into the activityType attribute that has been added to a number of widgets.  Alternatively, if you already are making your own api calls in your controllers see the previous comment about the apis now accepting activityType.

Business Benefit:

If your company has a customization in CP or maybe a characteristic of your users that you would like to make available in the tables above then this feature allows you to do exactly that.  Imagine, for example, that you have a custom filter in your Customer Portal with a finite set of values.  It might be desirable to be able to break down your search and knowledge viewing activity reports by the value selected in that filter; passing that value in to Access Type will allow you to achieve exactly that.

Steps to Enable

If you would like to supply your own Access Type data, see the description above for some explanation of what will be required.

If you wish to use the data supplied to Access Type in these tables in your reports you will need to update your reports to include it.  For example, if you want to show Access Type in a report you already have that includes OKCS Question, then you would need to drag "Access Type" into that report wherever you feel it is needed.