PHP Upgrade: Support Multiple PHP Versions

The product areas supporting PHP 8.3 in 24C release are

  • Analytics
    • The admins have the ability to choose the PHP version from the dropdown for customizations on Reports using PHP scripts.
    • The admins can know the PHP version of the scripts used in the reports via the Report Management canned report.

Analytics - Custom Script editor

Analytics - Custom Script editor

Analytics - Report Management report

Analytics - Report Management report

  • Scripts Custom
    • File Manager: Provides the ability to upload scripts written in PHP 8.3 to PHP 8.3 folder.
    • Ability to copy files of PHP 5.6 folder to PHP 8.3 folder.
    • Ability to Activate/Deactivate a particular file from File Manager.
    • The metadata file will display the PHP version of each script available in the File Manager.

File Manager: PHP Folders

File Manager: PHP Folders

File Manager - Metadata file

File Manager - Metadata file

  • Object Event Handlers
    • The admins have the ability to choose the PHP version from the dropdown for CPMs.
    • The admins can know the PHP version of the scripts used in the CPM via a canned report.

Process Designer (CPM Editor)

Process Designer (CPM Editor)

CPM Versio Report

CPM Versio Report

  • Customer Portal
    • The admins have the ability to choose the PHP Version from the dropdown from the Customer Portal Admin page.
    • The Version Info widget will show the PHP versions in different environment.

Customer Portal - Admin Page

Customer Portal - Admin Page

Customer Portal - Version Info Widget

Customer Portal - Version Info Widget

Business Value:

  • Flexibility: Multiple PHP versions allow the customers to upgrade their base PHP version on their timeline and under their control.
  • Advanced PHP version: PHP 8.3 is sustainable, easier to upgrade, and secure.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • The Oracle Service Cloud site should be upgraded to 24C version to take benefit of the multiple PHP versions. 
  • The Customer Portal Framework should be updated to CP Version 3.11 to have multiple PHP versions in Customer Portal customization. 

Key Resources

  • The migration guide for migrating the customizations to PHP 8.3 lists several patterns identified while migrating the internal modules to PHP 8.3 version.